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     CARLA FLED THE ACADEMY, half-blinded by her tears, combat boots slamming against the paving. Her throat felt tight, heart heavy, head pounding. She was so angry, so betrayed, so lost, so confused.

     The first place she thought to go was Griddy's, so she started heading there. However, when she reached the parking lot, she stopped dead. It was empty. And Griddy's was closed.

     She let out a sigh, pursing her lips, before turning on her heel and walking in an opposite direction.

     Carla wasn't familiar with the streets, although she did remember a bowling alley she passed when looking for Klaus. She furrowed her brows, trying to remember where it was, and settled for walking south a few blocks.

     It turned out her gut instinct was correct, because after walking exactly seven blocks, she spotted a large buiding with large lettering reading, 'Superstar Lanes Bowling'.

     She glanced around her, before walking inside. It was fairly busy considering night was drawing closer, and in the furthest lane was what appeared to be a birthday party, with a few kids and parents gathered around, surrounded by bunting and balloons.

     Carla made her way to the small dining area at the back of the building area, approaching the bar and smiling nervously at the young lady standing behind it.

     "Hi," she said, "Uh, can I get a coke, please?"

     "Of course," the young woman smiled, before glancing down at Carla's chunky combat boots, "You're gonna need to wear bowling shoes."

     Carla paused, before letting out a sigh and forcing a smile to her lips, "Okay. Sure."

     She told the lady her shoe size, handing over her combat boots in exchange for a pair of undeniably ugly bowling shoes. She hastily paid (sliding the money over the bar top to avoid skin-on-skin contact), before taking her can of coke and going to sit down at a table.

     The can opened with a hiss, and she took a long sip before putting on the bowling shoes and placing her head in her hands.

     She felt entirely overwhelmed, and a new wave of emotion crashed over her, tears springing to her eyes. In all honesty, Carla didn't know if she would be able to face Five again any time soon.

     "Hello," a voice snapped Carla out of her daze, and she looked up, startled, to see a woman standing in front of her, clutching a rather scared-looking boy to her side.

     "Hi," Carla said slowly.

     "I was just wondering, it's my son's birthday, and you look a bit lonely, so maybe you could join in on the bowling fun!" the woman smiled widely.

     Carla paused, trying to work out how to say that she would rather shoot herself in the head than play a round of bowling with a bunch of tween boys, "Uh... I'm actually waiting for my... family to show up. Maybe next time?"

     The woman looked mildly put out, the son having no shift in emotion, before offering one last smile and walking away.

     Carla let out a sigh, taking another sip of her drink, when a sudden voice called out, "Carla!"

     She whirled around, before spotting Klaus. She barely had time to stand up, before he had raced towards her, wrapping her in a bone crushing hug and spinning her around once, before setting down again, lingering for a few seconds before drawing away.

     "Klaus, what hap-"

     "Christ, Carla, I thought you had died! I was in the Academy, and when I went to see Vanya in the vault in the basement I assumed you were upstairs in my room, or maybe you were with Five, and then the Academy started coming down, and I couldn't find you, and Diego dragged me out, and I thought I had left you inside to die!"

     Klaus was holding onto Carla's biceps, bending down to be eye-level with her, and she could see the tears in his eyes, "But then when Five appeared, he- he said you left and I was going to go look for you, but everyone's meeting here, and you're here! You're here!"

     Carla frowned deeply, struggling to process everything he had said, "Klaus, what the fuck? What happened?"

     "Wait," Klaus stood up straight, letting out a deep breath, "Let me get my bowling shoes on."

     Carla couldn't help but roll her eyes in exasperation as he headed towards the bar, swapping his shoes over, and she sat down again.

     He then made his way towards her, sitting down, "So, Vanya destroyed the Academy."

     "Klaus, for the love of all things good, please try to explain things clearly," Carla pleaded.

     "Right, yeah," he nodded, "So, just after you left, I assume, Hazel came to the Academy to speak to Five, and Diego attacked him, and then Five knocked Diego out so he could talk to Hazel alone. Uh, apparently Hazel's not a threat anymore. And then Vanya came back to the Academy, and Luther saw her and put her in this big metal box we have in the basement."

     "No," Carla let out softly, "Why?"

     "Apparently Vanya has powers too," Klaus said simply.

     "No," Carla repeated.

     Klaus nodded, wide-eyed, "That was my reaction too, I didn't know if I believed him, but then she literally reduced the Academy to rubble, and killed Mom and Pogo."

     "Oh, Klaus," she said, reaching for his hand, "I'm sorry."

     Then, suddenly remembering her lack of gloves, she hesitated, before swallowing thickly and placing her hand lightly on his.

     Klaus jolted at the contact, looking at her in confusion, "Carla, where are your gloves?"

     "I, uh, I'm trying to live without them," she said quietly, before gently squeezing his hand comfortingly and drawing away.

     It was the first skin-on-skin contact they had ever shared.

     She looked up, and saw Klaus with tears brimming in his eyes, "Oh, look at me, getting all sappy."

     She laughed, as Klaus sniffed and wiped his eyes.

     "Oh," Klaus said suddenly, as though remembering something, "Also, the apocalypse is still on. And it's happening today. And Vanya is the cause."

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