Sharing a Milkshake

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Squad Chat

GoldieLocks💛: Anyone up for a milkshake after class?

QueenK👑: Sure, why not.

Aphmeow🐱: That sounds perfect!

Brunette⚽: Sounds good to me👌

WickedWitch🧪: Where should we all meet?

GoldieLocks💛: The water fountain right outside the school?

Blueberry💕: You got it!

OldMan👴🏻: Hell yeah!                                                                                                                                                   ____________________________________________________________

"Squad Check!" Everyone gathered around Garroth to hear their names be called.




"Don't call me that, and here."

This went on until Garroth checked off everyone's names from his mental list of friends. 

Garroth clapped his hands together and announced: "Alright Squad, roll out!"

Everyone started arranging the cars that people would be going in. They decided to have girls in one car, and boys in the other.

In Katelyn's car was Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan, Lucinda, Cadenza, and finally Nicole. 

Meanwhile, Aaron's car was packed with Laurence, Garroth, Dante, Travis, and Zane.

Garroth's POV

Aaron's car wasn't small, but it wasn't very large either. Therefore, some of us had to squish in real tight, and by that I mean I had to sit on someone's lap. That someone being Laurence...

His head rested on my shoulder and my head leaning against his, both of us staring out the window at the building that was quickly passing us.

"Hey Laur?" I said in a quiet voice so no one else could hear me, "What's up?" Laurence replied his eyes glancing over at me in curiosity.

"Do you want to listen to music with me?" I asked, lifting my hips up to grab my phone from my black, skinny jeans pocket.

It was held loosely in my hands, as I held it in front of his tanned face. "Yeah, it's going to be a long ride."

 Laurence grabbed one earbud and I grabbed the other, turning on our shared Spotify playlist. My body dropped back down onto Laurence's lap, TØP playing through the small speakers.

~Time Skip To When They Get To The Milkshake Place~

The clumsy teenagers burst through the door, eager to receive their delicious, sweet milkshakes. 

The group soon decided that they didn't want to overwhelm the employees with all of them going up to the counter.

Aphmau was soon sent to the counter to order all 12 of their milkshakes. Bad idea...

Aphmau came back with everyone's milkshakes besides Garroth and Laurence's milkshake. "Hey, where's ours?" Garroth exclaimed, searching the table to see if someone else took his.

Aphmau giggled evilly with something hidden behind her back, "Aphmau," Laurence growled in a deep voice. 

Aphmau set a large milkshake in front of Garroth and Laurence, "Aphmau, what is this?" Laurence gritted.

By now the whole group was staring at the scene before them, "It's the couple's milkshake for you and Garroth to share!"

Garroth's eyes were wide while staring at the strawberry milkshake with a mountain of whip cream, to top it all off, two cherries were nicely placed in the middle of the whipped cream.

Laurence sighed, "Let's just get this over with," he slowly took one of the straws and sipped, the brunettes face immediately lighting up.

"Garroth, oh my god you have to try this!" Garroth leaned forward, took the pink straw between his teeth and inhaled the smooth liquid.

The two boys kept taking long, inviting sips of the sweet milkshake. 

~Time Skip To When They Finish The Milkshakes~

Once again everyone was packed in the 2 cars ready to go home, Garroth had to sit on Laurence's lap, again.

Garroth's breathing was steady as the car speeded through different highways, occasionally running over a bump that made everyone jump.

Laurence didn't really enjoy when the bumps came, Garroth isn't one of the lightest people in the world. When you have that weight slamming down on you, it isn't the greatest feeling.

Though today was one of the greatest days in history, the day Laurence shared a milkshake with his crush.

Wassup my ducks, I'm feeling pretty good about updating every day for 30 days, makes me feel more productive. But I'm really sorry if the chapters get boring and bad, school sucks. Only 3 months left though, I can do this (no I can't).

~Bai Ducklings

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