A Selfie Together

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Garroth was currently in Disney Land with his boyfriend, Laurence. Both of them were wearing mickey mouse headbands, Garroth's headband was pink and purple, while Laurence's was the original colors, black and red.

The two lovebirds feet were planted in front of the sandy colored castle, admiring the bright fairy lights hanging on tall light posts around it. Soft music was playing on the small speakers attached to the rather large castle.

"Laurence, you wanna take a selfie with mwah?" Garroth asked a huge grin spread on his face. "Sure Baby, let me get my phone."

Laurence slid his tan, slender fingers in the denim of his jeans pocket and pulled out his green cased phone, having a tight grip so it doesn't slip out of his hands.

Garroth reached out and took the small device, immediately going to camera roll. As soon as Garroth had a firm grip on the blue pop socket, he said in a rushed voice "Say cheese!"

The picture clicked with Laurence in the background smiling, instead of looking at the picture he turned it off, spinning around to hand it back to its rightful owner. 

Though Garroth wasn't prepared for what he was going to see next...

Laurence stood there, on one knee, holding out a silver ring.

"Garroth Ro'meave, you are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for, now I'm asking if we could be more?" Garroth slapped his hands over his mouth in shock.

"Will you marry me?" Laurence asked, his eyes filled with hope.

The blonde jumped on the brunette, shortly after he pulled his body away from his boyfriends.

"Of course I will, you doofus!"

People around them cheering and snapping pictures, meanwhile, the newly engaged couple share a passionate and sweet kiss.

As you can tell from the picture above I am going to be doing the 30-days challenge. For the ones with angst, I am going to put a warning!

~Bai Ducklings

Garrance OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now