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Beyoncé POV


months later

After me and the kids left Jay has been blowing my phone up nonstop and Solange and Jackson have been calling too so I just blocked all of them until I feel like talking. Today Kaiden has a football game so I know everyone is going to be there so I might as well get prepared to be bombarded with questions.

Ma ma ma. Jayden babbled in his crib. While I looked for him something to wear.

Hey baby you ready to see Kaiden. I said getting him dressed.

Kay. He screamed and I just smiled.

Momma I can't find my shoe. I heard Ryan tell so I finished getting Jayden ready and packed his bag then went to find her shoe. Once everyone was ready we went to the field and since Kaiden rode with the team it was a peaceful ride until we parked and Jay came up to the car.


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I haven't spoken to Bey or the kids in about 7 months and she blocked me. I tried calling her brother and sister but she ain't talking to them either. Today Kaiden has a football game and I promised him that I would at least try to make it to every game he has. When I pulled up it wasn't long until I saw Bey pull up beside me. After she got Jayden in the stroller and Ryan out she looked me directly in the face while on the phone with someone.

Wassup yall? I said picking Jayden up out of the stroller. He was sleep so I for a fact Bey was going to curse me out after she finished her phone call.

Hey daddy. Ryan said giving me a hug.

Hey baby girl where yall been? I asked looking at Bey and she just rolled eyes then went to get Jayden's bag.

Oh my God Bey you made it. I heard Nicki say coming to hug Beyoncé.

Of course I made it this is his first game. Bey said not even acknowledging my presence.

Well damn hello to you too Nicki. I said loudly interrupting their conversation causing Jayden to start crying which only led to a very pissed off Beyoncé.

Ryan get your brother and let's go before we miss the game. Beyoncé said and as told Ryan took Jayden from her dad and put him back in the stroller and gave him his pacifier and they left.

Beyoncé POV

After the game was over the players were coming off the field and Shawn was right there waiting to meet Kaiden at the gate. I decided to stay and chat with everyone a little more then went to meet with the two.

Ma did you watch the game? Kaiden asked hugging me.

I watched the whole game. You did amazing. You ready to go home now? I said and he dropped his head.

Can dad come over? He asked and Shawn just looked at me.

Um Kaiden daddy probably has something to do when he leaves. I said focusing on Shawn who never said anything.

No he doesn't momma please. He begged and begged

Fine. Shawn you can come but you'll have to wait or tell Nicki to let you in. I said

Wait why I gotta call Nicki? Shawn asked

Because Nicki is the only one who knows where I stay and I have to go see my family.

Well I'll see yall in a few minutes then. He said and walked off.

After leaving the field I took the kids to see my mom and Shawn's mom. Who besides Nicki and Brooke were the only ones that knew where I was. Once we got home I saw Shawn's car just sitting in the driveway. He looked like he was sleep so I just sent the kids in the house

Stubborn ass. I said to myself as I knocked on the window.

When yall got here? He asked getting out of the car.

We just got here not to long ago and had you asked Nicki to open the door then you wouldn't be sleep in your car. I said turning to go in the house.

Why Nicki the only person with a key? He asked slightly annoyed and I just laughed.

She's not.....your mom has one..... my mom has one.... and Nicki and Brooke have one. I said with a shrug and called Kaiden and Ryan downstairs

Oh well.... Where is Jayden? He said looking around.

He'll be here later. I said before going upstairs.


After a few minutes of playing with Kaiden I went to see Ryan to have a little talk. When I walked in her room she was playing with her LOL doll collection. She didn't even notice I was in the room.

Hey Ryan. I said watching her open another LOL doll in confusion.

Hey daddy... You know my mommy is mad at you? Ryan said playing with my face.

Yeah I know. I told her

What did you do? She asked curiously

I made a mistake and tried to hide it. I said looking out her window

Oh well my teacher told me that if we make mistakes then ask someone for help or find a way to fix it..... So you can do that to right?... Then we can be a family again. She said smiling and showing off her missing tooth.

Yeah maybe but we'll see..... I'm going to go see if Jayden is here yet. I told her before leaving out of her room.

I walked back downstairs only to find Jayden running from Kaiden to Kelly then finally going to Bey. I just stood back until Kelly spotted me.

Hey Shawn long time no see. Kelly said and I just gave her a hug and went to grab Jayden. But this boy threw a whole tantrum. I sighed and gave him back.

Hey Jay Jay look it's daddy. Bey said trying to give him back but he was holding on for dear life so I just on the couch beside them.

He good.... So what we doing tomorrow? You know it's Ciara's birthday right?wanna visit the grave? I asked Beyoncé after Kelly dismissed herself.

No Ryan's not ready for that she barely speaks now...... We're just going to write letters and tie them to purple and yellow balloons and let them go. She said rocking Jayden to sleep.

Am I invited? I asked and she nodded her head.

Sure everyone else will be there so why not. She told me we finished our conversation and I left.

I mean at least she talk to me. That's progress right?

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