Chapter 3 - Superhero

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Here's the new chapter, I guess you'll enjoy it. I want to thanks you for reading, commenting and following this story. I'm actually searching for a beta reader to increase the quality of my story so if you are interested you can contact me.

Enjoy !

CHAPTER 3 - Superhero

Twenty minutes had passed and the amount of debris seems to be always full. Connor was frenetically watching his watch while talking to Ava who was on the edge of unconsciousness.


- ...

- Ava please answer me!

- Yeah ...

- You're gonna pass out!

- I won't get this tube out before he got out of there. I'm sorry Connor...

- Why ?

- I forced fate this morning ...

- No you're not responsible for this, it was just some superstitions. By the way, you were right, I might be a little superstitious"

Casey arrived and tapped Connor's shoulder. The news wasn't great, they had to clear the access first and get Rick out of there before they could reach Ava. Connor was worried, Ava was so weak. He didn't know if she can handle another twenty minutes there.

Ten minutes later the rescue team was ready to get Rick out. Connor gave them all the instructions. The ambulances were all set. They prevented the Chicago Med, Dr. Latham was waiting for Rick with the surgery team.

Before the firefighter get down, Connor asked Casey to remove the tube from Ava arm of he can reach it.

The rescue team was very effective, they get Rick out in five minutes. Now they could easily had access to Ava. Connor couldn't wait anymore and get down to check her. She was so pale, her breathing and pulse were very fast. He tried to woke her up.

"Hey Avey you need to stay with me okay?

- Did we did it ?

- Yes you did it but you need to fight again!

- ...

- No no Avey stay with me! Ava!"

The rescue team get them out of there and put Ava in an ambulance.

When they arrived to Chicago Med her condition was worrying.

"Ava Bekker, pulse 130, rapid breathing, pulse ox 70, BP 80 over 50. Stage tree hypovolemia, received a unit of saline solution, put on high flow oxygen.

- Dr. Halstead Trauma 2, said Maggie.

- We move her on my count. One, two, three. I need two unit of O neg and the echo"

They saw a large amount of blood in her abdomen, she was doing an internal bleeding. They moved her up to surgery.

Connor felt powerless and he hated it. He was waiting, sitting on the floor in the OR hallway. Three hours passed before the surgeon get out of the OR.

"She's gonna be fine, the bleeding is under control and there was no organ damage. They need to do some additional care and exams but I guess you can see her in two hours"

Connor was relieved, he took advantage of the two hours to wait to take a shower, change his clothes and check in on Rick.

Three hours later, Connor was sitting on a chair next to Ava's bed. Her vitals were stable again. She slowly opened her eyes, she was feeling so weak.

"Hey sleeping beauty, how do you feel?

- I feel like a truck ran over me and I'm thirsty.

- I'll give you some water, it's normal you've lost a lot of blood.

- And what about Rick ?

- He will be fine, thanks to you. It reminds me that someone wanted to see you"

Rick's wife entered in the room with a five years old boy. She thanks Ava for saving her husband, the little boy came and gave her a cute drawing with the words "you're my hero" wrote on it.

"What a beautiful drawing. Can you please make something for me ?"

As an answer the little boy nodded his head.

"I want you to do the same drawing for your father because he is the one who saves me first, it's him the hero"

The boy was so happy his dad was a hero. Both left to let Ava rest. The woman turned around to thank Ava once again for her husband but also for what she had said to her son.

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