Hi it's my first story in English so please don't kill me because it's probably going to have some mistakes
Enjoy !CHAPTER 1 - Q word
It was on Monday afternoon, the ER were quiet, too quiet. Dr. Bekker had just take her shift when she saw Dr. Rhodes.
"Morning Dr. Rhodes
- Hi ...
- Wahoo is someone dead ? You look really gloomy.
- No there is something strange, I such have a bad feeling about this shift.
- Why ? The ER are quiet today.
- Never say that again !!!
- But it's true the whole weekend was calm and this day seems to be the same"
Connor was very angry and Ava noticed that because she saw that little vein on Dr. Rhodes forehead which traduce his irritation.
" Ow wait does the famous Dr. Rhodes would it be superstitious? She says, giving him a smile.
- I'm not superstitious, I just don't want to force the destiny. So can you please stop telling that word ?
- Which word ?
- The Q**** word !"
Dr. Latham arrived, a parking collapsed in the center of the city. There were lot of injured people and they probably needs CT surgeons on there.
Dr. Rhodes glares Ava " what did I tell you ?
- And you want to make me believe that you're not superstitious.
- We'll finish this conversation later"
When they arrived, an huge and heavy cloud of dust was covering the entire area. They definitely couldn't see anything. A firefighter comes, gives them masks and advises them to wear it.
A man was under the rubble. The rescue team succeeded to find a path but the man's leg was stuck and he was loosing a lot of blood.
That guy had a lot of chance because during the collapse he had been protected by some concrete blocks forming a cave into the remains. Unfortunately a metal barre from one of these blocks had penetrate his leg. The amount of blood present around him indicated that the femoral artery was injured.
Deducing that, Dr. Bekker put her hand on the wound to provide it from bleeding. They absolutely needed to get this man out of here. Dr. Rhodes suggested to cut the metal barre but Rick, the firefighter who was with them says that it was too dangerous. The vibrations caused by the circular saw can produced a second collapse. So they decided to cut his leg, but it required more stuff. Dr. Bekker hand was the only thing that keeps her patient alive, so she was also stocked there. Dr. Rhodes had to go back looking for more instruments.
As he was out the ground shocked and the entry of the path was blocked.

FanficWhen you play with fire, you end up getting burned. Based on TV show episodes but remixed by giving them my little touch. A rhekker stoty.