CHAPTER 2 - Under the rubble
Connor was chocked, two seconds later and he will be crushed under the concrete blocks. But je quickly comes to his senses remembering that Ava was still under the rubble. Firefighter for the 51 were called for more help and Casey saw Connor away.
"Connor? Are you ok?
- I'm fine but Dr. Bekker, a rescuer, Rick I think and our patient are already blocked there, he pointed a pile of blocks.
- Ok, I'll call the other to start the research. Can you joint them ?
- I'll try Ava's phone"Casey went and prevented the other squad.
Connor called Ava but she didn't answer, he tries a dozen times until Herrmann shouted to everyone to stop. Connor who was concerned comes next to the firefighter and immediately recognized Ava's phone ringtone.
They started removing the rocks and found a minute breach giving on the cave.
"Ava ? Ava do your ear me ?
- Connor ... she said slightly
- Are you ok ?
- I'm stuck ...
- And you Rick ?
- The same my leg is blocked"Connor takes a flashlight from one of the firefighter to get more lighting and see in the cave. Rick has a concrete block on his left leg. He can't saw Ava who was separated from Rick by the block.
" What about our patient, asked Ava.
- He is dead, replied Connor.
- No, you can't be sure if you don't take his pulse.
- Listen to my Ava, he is dead, he told her looking at the huge amount of debits lying on place of their patient"Suddenly the ground was shaking again but thankfully, it didn't cause an other breakdown. Ava was absolutely terrified and started breathing faster. She was making a panic attack.
For Rick it was complicated, the tremor moved the concrete block and now he was bleeding out.
"Ok Ava, listen to me everything is gone be fine, we'll get you out of here. Rick can you make something to stop the bleeding?
- Yeah I'm trying to make a withers with my belt.
- Ava you think you can get away?
- I've free my hand but I suspect a fracture. I'm going to try to remove stones from my abdomen.
- Wait ! Do you feel your legs ? Any bleeding?
- I'm a doctor too Connor you remember?"The young doctor finally succeeded to get off the stones from her belly. She was now able to move easily even if she didn't have a lot of space.
Fortunately, the first aid kits were remained nearby so Ava can make a splint for her wrist. It was at this moment that she saw Rick's leg with a big amount of blood on the ground. She was worried, the firefighter didn't say anything from a long time.
"Rick ... you're still with us ?
- Yes I was just thinking ..."
She could feel the weakness in his voice and knows that he lost too much blood.
"Rick you should try to compress the wound.
- I can't, I'm so tired and so cold. Please Dr. Bekker tell to my wife and my kids that I love them and my last thoughts were for them ...
- I won't say anything to anyone, you're not gonna die down here. I've already lost a patient today I'm not gonna lose you too"Connor was worried, he can't saw what was doing Ava. She took some gauze compress, needles and a tubing.
"Ava what are you doing ?
- I'm saving his life, he needs blood and I'm universal donor.
- That's crazy you're gonna make an hypovolemic shock.
- I can't stay here watching him die , he saves my life. If he wasn't there I'll be dead.
- It's gonna take time to free you, you'll have lost too much blood, he said trying to reason her.
- You've got 40 minutes, she said, pulling the needle into her arm"

FanficWhen you play with fire, you end up getting burned. Based on TV show episodes but remixed by giving them my little touch. A rhekker stoty.