Hi, here is the sequel, it is a little shorter than the previous chapters but I wanted it to finish at a certain point. I hope you will enjoy it, don't hesitate to give me your feedback, whether positive or negative, I'm interested!
Enjoy !
CHAPTER 15 - Peanuts
"Please take a seat" Dr. Clarke said pointing two seats in front of the assembly.
"As you know, the goal of this committee is to offer you the best possible care. You are therefore not obliged to follow our recommendations, but we strongly advise you to do so" Dr. Clarke continued.
"As you may know, our main concern at this time is your mitral stenosis. Even if it's mild at the moment, it can quickly evolve into a severe stenosis. However, your aortic stenosis is in a more advanced stage that complicates your situation. Normally, we prefer to perform surgery before pregnancy in order to avoid complications. Your collapse last week suggests that you are already experiencing complications and for this reason we think it would be best to operate as soon as possible" Dr. Latham did not have time to continue when Ava interrupted him.
"Heart surgery! Isn't it too risky for the baby?"
"Actually, the risks related to the complications of your stenosis are equivalent to the ones related to the operation. But if you remove the risk related to the anesthesia, the surgery becomes beneficial." Dr. Latham continued.
"And how do you plan to remove the risk associated with anesthesia?" Connor interrupted.
"With hypnosis" Dr. Charles says.
Ava and Connor were surprised, they had both heard of heart surgery under hypnosis before but only for very specific cases. Dr. Charles explained that surgery under hypnosis was not widely known yet, but it had already proven itself. Ava would be lightly sedated but not totally asleep, avoiding intubation and the risks of general anesthesia.
Dr. Latham resumed his explanation. For mitral stenosis percutaneous dilation was the option of choice and was minimally invasive. Aortic stenosis was more problematic, percutaneous dilation was the safest option but had a significant risk of long-term failure. He therefore proposed to start with the mitral stenosis and finish with the aortic valve. At least they had the assurance of being able to dilate the mitral valve which was the main goal of the surgery. He also explained to them the potential complications and the aftermath of the surgery. If all went well, Ava would spend one night in the intensive care unit and could be discharged after five days.
Dr. Helena Virchow, the anesthetist, took over to discuss the details of the hypnosis. She was a colleague and friend of Dr. Charles. He had told her about Ava's past and her psychological history. Ava and Connor knew they could trust her completely.
Dr. Clarke brought good news, the screening results had all come back negative. Also, with a good epidural, at this point there were no contraindications to a vaginal delivery. She knew that Ava didn't want a C-section, she was afraid she wouldn't be able to see her daughter before her surgery.
Ava and Connor were able to talk to the various doctors and specialists present and ask them their questions. They had a few days to give their decision on the proposals made by the assembly.
Five days later, it was 7 a.m. Ava and Connor were in their bed. They like to hang out in bed, it was their special time, they were just there in each other's arms enjoying the moment without thinking about anything.
"Hum what?"
"It's been five days, we need to talk about it. We need to give Dr. Clarke an answer."
"You really want to talk about this now?"
"Yes, every time I try to talk with you about it you postpone our discussion."
Ava curled up on her belly and snuggled up to Connor.
"I'm terrified Connor" she said while starting to cry.
"Hey, hey it's gonna be okay, you heard what they say. This solution is the least risky for you and our daughter" he replied, hugging her.
"Okay but we should find her a name first."
"Ava ..."
"No, no, I agree with the surgery but we need to find a name for her." She said caressing her belly
"You've already thought of a name?"
"Ow ow I have an idea!" Said a little girl full of excitement.
"Like the hundred others you've already told me?" Ava answered.
"No, not like theses ones. It's a promise!"
"Hum I'm listening"
"Later, if one of us has a daughter, she will name her after the other. That way we'll be bonded for life!"
"Okay, if I have a daughter later I'll name her Mia"
"And mine will be called Ava"
End of flashback
"I ... no, can you make me a favor?"
"Hum what kind of favor?" he said while kissing her neck.
"Not a deceased person's name" she replied, remaining stoic.
"Okay but can I ask you why?"
"One heart defect is already enough, let's not take any additional risk."
"Would Dr. Ava Bekker be superstitious?" he said playfully and started kissing her neck again.
"Maybe ..." she answered kissing him back.
They were kissing when Connor suddenly stopped and sat down.
"What about Sophie?"
"Wouldn't you rather Sophia?"
"Yes that's nice, I like it."
"Looks like we agree."
"Since you got pregnant we agree on many things, you should have gotten pregnant earlier" Connor said teasingly.
"Do you miss our arguments? Because if you want I can become a horrible monster full of pregnancy hormones."
"Of course, I dream of having to go to every store in Chicago to find your craving" he said wryly.
"Speaking of craving, can you bring me a Snickers?"
"Don't you hate peanuts?"
"Right now I'm just dying of Snickers" she asked with her goo-goo eyes.

FanficWhen you play with fire, you end up getting burned. Based on TV show episodes but remixed by giving them my little touch. A rhekker stoty.