Here's the new chapter !
Thank you for all your support
Enjoy !
CHAPTER 4 - Earthquake
The first week was difficult, she was used to her independence but Connor insisted on staying with her to make sure everything was going well. He had behaved like a perfect loving husband. The problem? They were just colleagues and friends, Connor didn't have to do that. Ava was very happy that he was there for her, her body was still very sore and she still felt weak. Their days were punctuated by television programs and their stomachs gurgling synchronously at mealtime. In the evening Ava went to bed while Connor, used to go to sleep later, stayed in the living room reading cardiology publications until sleep took over. Ava's couch was quite comfortable but the young woman felt guilty about making him sleep there. She hadn't wanted to go to Connor's house because she didn't want to disturb him anymore and, knowing him, she knew that he would have made it a point of honor for her to sleep in his bed.
One day, around 11pm, Ava woke up with a start, pearls of sweat dripping on her forehead, her eyes were filled with terror and she let a little scream pass. Connor, who was still awake, rushed into his room.
"Are you all right, Avey? Does it hurt?"
The young woman did not answer, trying to concentrate on her breathing in order to calm down.
Connor sat down next to her and hugged her, Ava had just made a nightmare terror.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm here, it's okay"
The young woman eventually went back to sleep, her head resting on Connor's chest, who used to sleep bare-chested. Not wishing to wake her up, he stayed in this position and eventually fell asleep.
The next day, Connor woke up early, because Ava had had a very troubled night and he took a few blows. He was making breakfast when she woke up.
- Sorry about that night...
- Do you want to talk about it?
- Not really, no."
As the days passed and the nightmares intensified, Connor was worried. They became so frequent that he ended up sleeping with Ava. Not that it bothered him, the bed was much more comfortable than the couch, but he was sincerely beginning to care about Ava's health.
4 weeks had passed since the accident, Ava had recovered from her operation but her wrist was still immobilized. That was the only reason she had not yet returned to work. But today that was going to change, we were finally going to remove her cast, she could go back to work in two or three days.
"So impatient?" asked Connor.
- You can't even imagine, I miss surgery so much.
- Maybe you should talk to Dr. Charles about your nightmares.
- No, it's nothing, it's just a way my mind has to express the emotions of the accident, nothing to worry about."
Surprisingly, the next two nights were quiet, Ava had no nightmares and for the first time in four weeks Connor was also able to sleep without kicking himself.
Everyone was happy to see Ava back at the Chicago Med, except maybe Mrs. Goodwin who knew that the soap opera between Connor and Ava would start again and she was not disappointed. After only one day of working together, they had already argued about a patient.
Everything was back to the way it was before, except for the fact that Connor was still living at Ava's. Even though she had almost no more nightmares, he preferred to stay close to her just in case.
One day, while watching television after a long day of work, a breaking news appeared.
"General alert for this Monday, multiple medium amplitude earthquakes are to be feared, remain vigilant"
After that she went to the shower and went to bed, Connor was working late and she didn't have the courage to wait for him.
In the middle of the night, Ava woke up in panic, she was convinced that the building had just collapsed. She understood early on that it was only a nightmare but Connor was still not there, there was no one to reassure her. Her breathing was getting so fast that she was beginning to feel her limbs go numb. She got up, went to get a plastic bag and started breathing in it. She was finally beginning to calm down when a slight tremor was felt, so she had not totally dreamt, the day of the earthquakes had indeed begun. Once her breathing returned to normal, she went back to bed but the tremors, even if they were light, kept her awake. In addition, she began to experience severe stomach pain. Knowing that she would not be able to sleep, she sat on the couch and turned on the television.
When Connor came home, he found her asleep on the couch. He took it and gently put it in his bed before joining her five minutes later. They were awakened by a stronger tremor than the previous ones. Ava was pale and grinning.
"Are you all right?
- Just camps... it'll pass."
He went to get her an antispasmodic and went back to sleep, which was not the case with Ava.

FanfictionWhen you play with fire, you end up getting burned. Based on TV show episodes but remixed by giving them my little touch. A rhekker stoty.