RWBY Guy Headcannons

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All the characters are from RWBY

Gender-neutral, minus a few here and there.



Best hugs

Pig back rides all the time

He enjoys playing with you hairIf gf, he knows how to pick an outfit and hair, due to him having so many sisters

You practice fighting with him

You and Pyrrha are best friends(until you know), but you got jealous of her crush on Jaune

You pick fights with Cardin when he bullies JauneIf shorter he used your shoulder/head as an armrest

He worries you will leave him for someone better than him

You remind him you love him and only him, and then tickle him to make him smile again, then cuddle for the rest of the day if there is no classes or training needing to be done

He prefers to kiss your forehead and nose. 

You will randomly give him a quick peck because he gets really flustered not knowing how to react



Best friends with Nora

Playing with his hair

Questioning the random streak of natural pink hair he has

He helps you study for classes you don't understand

Distracting Nora so he can do something or have some quite

But also pulling pranks with her on him

He is really protective of you if you come back from a mission first thing he does is hug/kiss you, then check to make sure you are not hurt

Not one to get jealous because he knows you can handle yourself, but when he does he is scared, like Nora being struck by lighting scary

Loves to kiss your cheek and hand, he is a gentleman



Not caring if you care or are not a fauna

Will constantly make monkey puns to him

Quick monkeying around Sun- No- Well I better split then- No, I'll stop, stay

He uses his tail to pull you to him or instead of an arm around the shoulder

He always bets you when sparing          

But he buys you food afterward

Best friends with Blake and Neptune

Teasing Neptune about being afraid of water

He is always the big spoon unless you want to be which is almost never

He is big on PDA, kissing whenever he sees someone looking at you in a way to make him jealous 

(human) you fight for the sides of faunas, you were raised by some so you see them as equal Sun loves you for that, but worries about your safety

Sun loves to kiss your neck and check, he knows your neck is ticklish and takes advantage of that



Best friends with Emerald

Calling him Merc

You know how to fix his legs, you do it so he can rest

You are terrified of Cinder and Salem Cinder told him you would be safe if he worked with them If you are in the same room as them he makes sure he is between you and them, or near Emerald at least

When at Beacon you made friends with almost everyone, it hurt you to betray them Mercury knows this and comforts you 

When Cinder made the 'alliance' with the white fangs, you and Adam got along well

He said you were nothing but dead weight, you spared, you kicked his sorry butt, he respects you as one of the few to beat him, but he always tells you if it was a real fight you would be dead

Because Adam respects you, Mercury trust him if you have to do something with the White Fangs

When you guys lay down and cuddle, you lay on top of him and he holds you with arms around your waist and legs tangled together

He always kissed your lips and hand



Extremely protective

You are a fauna, you had one parent that was a fauna and one a human

Your human parent was killed because their family did not agree with their choice, you saw this happen and was emotional scared Adam knows this, and as much as he hates humans, you made him promise to never take a child and parent when they are in view.

You were best friends with Blake till she left, you understand why but still misses her

You saw her once after she left, said hi and asked how you were doing, but left not wanting the other to get hurt

You are almost as tough as Adam

You wear goggles instead of a mask, you said it looks better for me, and if you need glasses the leans are the ones for your glasses

When you guys cuddle you face him and he holds you tight, but not tight enough where you have some room to move in your sleep, and to breath

He fears you will leave him if he does not hold you

Not one for PDA but will give you a quick kiss on the head or check here and there

But if someone flirts with you, they better run


Hope you guys enjoy

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