chapter 6

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Hwasa: y/n your wrist.....

Y/n p.o.v:
oh shit, what do I do? Think y/n think, everyone is looking concern even jimin, they look like they need a lot of answer. The only thing I can do is act.


*y/n faints*

The only thing she heard while closing her eyes, were people yelling her name.

End of p.o.v

Few minutes later

Y/n eyes open, with everyone surrounding the room.

Jungkook:what happened to your wrist.

Y/n:uhhhh I accidently hit something sharp.

Jimin:it doesn't look like it was a accident, it look like someone did that, it even has a weird mark on it, like the letter j.w(Jackson Wang).

Hwasa eyes widen knowing what really has happened.

Hwasa: i-i t-think she needs to rest, after all why give her trouble when she fainted.

Girls except for y/n and hwasa: I agree.

Suga p.o.v:I looked at Hwasa face it looks like she is hiding something, what could it be.

End of p.o.v

The day past and it was midnight and all the girls were sleeping.

Girls p.o.v
I turn to face my side were I could see my husband, once my eyes open slightly I saw that he is not here.
Suddenly I heard glass breaking downstairs.
I leave my room to see what was happening and I saw all the girls except y/n coming out of their room to see what going on.

End p.o.v

Hwasa:do you know what's happening downstairs.

Nayeon:I think we should check.

Lisa:let's go.

They go downstairs and their eyes widen, they saw their husband tied up in a chair, while lots of men in black were surrounding them and holding gun, yelling at them.

Rose: what's going on here?

The boys turn to the girls.

RM:Go! Back to your room, it's not safe here.

??:thats too late

Taehyung: if you touch them, you are so dead.

??:haha but you can't hurt me, look at you tied up. Guys hostage the girls now.

Some men came and pointed their guns at all the girls.

??:if you don't do as we say then each one of them dies.

??: Well you missed one

They all turned to who said that it was...........y/n

Sorry for the late update

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