553 17 19

quick a/n: this story does not follow the ending of the show. minhyuk does not ask bongsoon's father to marry her, they're just dating now.



It had been two weeks since Bongsoon had last seen Gukdoo. She didn't bother telling Minhyuk about what had happened either. It didn't matter to her if Gukdoo had liked her anyways. She was with Minhyuk now and most importantly: she was happy. Besides, Gukdoo had always made her feel as if she was doing something wrong. It was okay for her to let her feelings for Gukdoo pass along now. Even though I liked him for all those years...

That day was the last day of spring. It was the last day before the weather became blazing hot, the day before having a cooling refreshment nearby was crucial, and it was the last day that you could say goodbye to the beautiful spring wear colors that vibrantly popped from street to street. Bongsoon thought about these things while singing sweet tunes to herself in the shower. "Why must we have to say goodbye?"

After exiting the shower, Bongsoon hurried up and got dressed. Although she had a day off from working at Ainsoft, the sweet girl was eager to help out at her family's walnut and pie tart shop. Bongsoon's father wouldn't have gotten any sleep if he kept arguing with her on whether she could help out the next day so he eventually compromised to letting her work there for the second half of the day. Bongsoon was very happy that her dad agreed but she still wasn't content...what would she do for the first half of the day?

Since Bongsoon was at home and she couldn't bother Minhyuk, or Kyungshim for that matter, she decided to take a walk through her neighborhood. Those days were much safer. There were no culprits and less crime - that was what excited Bongsoon the most. 

One thing that had always stayed the same though (How Bongsoon wanted to change this!) was the number of students who skipped school to roam the streets. Usually Bongsoon would've said something but Not today, she thought. She didn't want anything to ruin her beautiful last spring day.

Bongsoon walked past a grocery and store and some other little shops before reaching her final destination: her family's shop. There was a good four hour gap between then and the time she had agreed to come but she couldn't help it. It was like something was drawing her to the shop. And although her intuition was telling, begging and pleading her not to go in, she decided to obey her father's command and walked away. 

Not too long after walking away, the strong girl found herself bumping into a rather tall man. When she looked up at him she recognized him almost immediately; it was Minhyuk's brother (the "good" one).

"I'm sorry Dongsuk! I didn't see you there..."

He laughs, "It's okay, you clumsy girl."

"What are you doing in this area anyways..I thought you-"

"Moved away? Yes, yes I did but-" He suddenly grabbed Bongsoon by the shoulders and looked deeply into her eyes. "Do you understand how hard it is to sit down and watch my brother screw up my father's company?! Something needs to be done!"

Bongsoon, of course, was taken aback by Dongsuk's actions. She hadn't seen him in such a long time. After it was revealed that Dongsuk was the one blackmailing Minhyuk, the elder brother had moved away. He probably did it because of the embarrassment, Bongsoon had thought.

But why had Dongsuk come back? The company had been doing just fine - the business was thriving so what was the real reason for him to come back?

A loud noise erupted from the direction of the shop. A familiar voice - Bongsoon's mom - was wailing out in pain. "Mom?!" Bongsoon cried. And before Bongsoon could even get the chance to pry herself from the strong grip of Dongsuk, the elder tightened his grip on her and said very clearly: "If you don't break up with Minhyuk...I'll make sure things like this happen more often! Convince him to give me the company. This is your final chance..."

At that point, Bongsoon had already stopped listening (and perhaps pushed the elder guy away a bit too hard). A trail of tears followed her as she sprinted towards the shop. Her mom was hurt real bad.

"Mom! Are you okay? Who did this to you?!"

But the elder woman was far too frail (and on the verge of unconsciousness) to even utter a single word. Bongsoon's father and his assistant were in the back when the incident happened so no one would be able to find out what happened to her mother until she got better. If she got better...

Bongsoon began to think of all the possible people that could've committed such a heinous act of violence. She was then reminded of Minhyuk's brother and his words. Was Dongsuk really behind this...?

Coincidentally, Bongsoon's phone began to ring; the caller was Minhyuk. Bongsoon tried to choke back the next wave of tears. She knew that when she answered the phone, she was going to have to say the harshest words her tiny mouth could ever voice. She knew that if she didn't say those words, more incidents like that would happen and that her family would be in even more danger.

Do Bongsoon answered the phone.

"Hey BongBong. I was thinking about swinging by your place later and then having a date night? I know it's only been a few hours but not seeing you all day makes me go really crazy. Bongsoon, I really lov-"

"I don't love you anymore, Minhyuk."

And just like that, Bongsoon's perfect last day of spring was ruined.


hey, author here. new cover & new (and improved) writing style ! i didn't mean to go 1k words on ya but i felt like it was needed so i could get this story in line. btw, thanks for 1k even though i only have 3 chaps out! guess it's a trade, 1k reads for 1k words? no? okay i'll go now sksk

also: i'm thinking about writing either a while you were sleeping or legend of the blue sea fanfic but that won't be years from now. (they might also be straight hahah)

also, also: i wanna have questionnaires with you guys!

QOTC (question of the chapter): what is your favorite scene in strong woman do bongsoon and why?

answer here.

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