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"She doesn't...love me anymore?"

Those five words played throughout Minhyuk's head from time to time. From seconds to minutes, minutes to hours, and hours to days he would think about that painfully wounding sentence. Each thought would cut an inch deeper into his heart, and every moment that passed by would add a pound to his heavy weighted soul. What hurt him the most, however, was watching her be happy without him. Watching her be happy with him.

T'was true, approximately three months had passed before the big news got out: Bongsoon and Gukdoo were dating. There were rumors that he was going to pop the big question, which confused the people and Minhyuk as well. They hadn't even been going out for six months yet they were ready to start a life together?

Minhyuk never heard the end of it. He and Bongsoon we such a good couple, why did it have to end? Well, Minhyuk could never give the people the answers that they wanted, for he didn't even know the answer himself. It didn't sit right with him. Not a single bit.

Things were awkward at work. Bongsoon was no longer his assistant, however, before they had broken up, Minhyuk gave Bongsoon the promotion of a lifetime. Meaning, that she had a more important position, one that would require her to interact with Minhyuk more than usual.

Bongsoon was the one who convinced him to run the company in more of a professional matter, which meant that there would be frequent meetings held to discuss the status of the company. This change really pained Minhyuk, seeing Bongsoon not because he wanted to but because of a mandatory meeting sent him down into sad deep thinking, and that was never good for anyone.

Minhyuk began to slip while approaching the end of the third month. Three months without the girl whom he thought was the love of his life. Three months watching someone who wasn't nearly as respectful be happy with her. Those thoughts made Minhyuk lose his mind. And they also made him lose his will to show up to work.


Working his way to intoxication, Minhyuk set out to the downtown area to take a night walk. He was completely out of it. He didn't care if the world saw him as a grown up man whose life was turned upside down and washed out just because of some girl because that's exactly what it was. He was heartbroken. And he wasn't sure that he was ever going to be the same again.

A group of men spotted Minhyuk. It was clear to them that he was very vulnerable in this moment, which gave them the perfect opportunity to take advantage of him. And that's exactly what they did.

"Cute boy," the leader said, "You look like you've got a great deal of money. Tell ya what, if you fight me and you win, you can keep the money. If I win, we take the money and uh...I'll figure out the rest later."

Minhyuk had no motivation to respond to them. At that point, he didn't care if he were to be robbed, beaten, or even killed. Minhyuk definitely knew how to fight, however he saw no point in hurting others. If the pain he imposed on them was the same pain that he was feeling, then he wanted to do with none of it.

"Hit me," he gloomily said. And the group of men, without hesitation, cut loose on Minhyuk, and began beating him with no mercy.


oop sorry guys im in the dumps right now and i honestly forgot about this story. i'll be back soon, love you guys <3

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