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Fireworks shot across the sky on this beautiful night. Bongsoon and Gukdoo were on a date in at the annual carnival. The lights, the foods, the people were all fascinating to Bongsoon. More fascinating than Gukdoo himself.

Now, hold on? How could that be? They're three months into their relationship so clearly it has to be going well, right? Wrong. Bongsoon thought that getting with the man that had her heart from the beginning of time would be life changing. His company was nice, yes, but there was something that just didn't sit right with her. Maybe this relationship just wasn't meant to be.

As much as Bongsoon didn't want to admit it, Gukdoo was her rebound. She went to him because she believed she had nowhere else to go. Gukdoo really was a sweet guy, however, the more Bongsoon thought about it, the more she realized that Gukdoo would never be the right person for her. 

For years he mentally abused her and dismissed the fact that she could be strong just because of her size. He thought that he could protect her by being a jerk to her. And if Bongsoon really thought about it, there was not much to like about him other than the fact that he was really good looking and that he could play the piano. 

Bongsoon was definitely in a rut, however she knew that as selfish as it sounded, she could never allow herself to get out of it. She knew that if she did, she would find herself running back into Minhyuk's arms, and then this whole thing would've been for nothing. She didn't want to hurt either of the boys anymore than she already had done so just knew that she had to pull it together. For the both of them.

"Bongsoon, are you alright? You've been staring off into space this whole ride." Gukdoo said.

"Oh, yes! I am," she responded sharply. "Why do you ask?"

"Well..." he said shyly, "I was just thinking...You know, it's almost been four months and we haven't shared a kiss yet. I don't want you to feel rushed, but we are on a Ferris Wheel and I thought it'd be nice if we had our first one tonig-"

"Wait! Do you hear that?!" Bongsoon forced her index finger upon Gukdoo's two lips, motioning for him to listen.

By listening closely, Gukdoo could hear faint screams in the distance.

"It sounds like a man might be getting jumped or something," Gukdoo struggled to say as he pushed his girlfriend's finger away from his lips.

"It sounds like Minhyuk!" She said, now eager to get off the ride.

"Oh come on, Bongsoon. That is most definitely just some drunk, probably having a falling out with some gang members. They'll be fine."

"Regardless of who it is, it is your job as a cop to help manage the situation, Gukdoo. Now please help me get the attention of the worker to get him to let us off, okay?"

"Great. This'll be fun."

Unfortunately for Gukdoo, what was to come was nowhere near the word "fun." If anything, what was to come next was going to be devastating, and a bit angering for anyone involved.


double update because why not :)

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