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"We said, no. I've finally got your sister in those shorts I picked out."

Yes, with a bikini top, if I remembered correctly. "Sapphire waterfall. It's a waterfall made of sapphires. This enormous jewel, the size of a glacier, reaches the Cliffs of Oblivion, and then shatters into sapphires at the edge. They fall a hundred thousand feet into a crystal ravine."

Donna wasn't convinced. "I bet you say that to all the girls."

"Oh, come on. They're boarding now. It's no fun if I see it on me own. Four hours, that's all it takes."

The phone moved to my sister. "I remember what being on a bus is like with you, Big Brother. It's hell, and that's four hours there, before another four back. I'm enjoying my reading, by the water."

Yes, but you were ginger, and you always forgot suncream. "You be careful, that's Xtonic sunlight."

"Doctor, the glass is fifteen feet thick, and if it gets too warm, I can hack the heating. Okay?"

"All right, I give up." I sighed, knowing exactly how to at least get my sister here. I was getting her whether she liked it or not. "I'll be back for dinner. We'll try that anti-gravity restaurant. With bibs."

She snorted. "You can have bibs, I'll be fine with just not using my hands." Cheater. "See you later. And, be good. I know what you're like on a bus."

Time for my secret weapon. Jinx myself. "Nah. Taking a big space truck with a bunch of strangers across a diamond planet called Midnight? What could possibly go wrong?" Before hanging up and timing how long it took for my baby sister to turn up. Which she did, literally in the shorts and bikini top, flip flops, and had stolen Donna's white hoodie. "That's a new record, Lizzy. Come on."

"I hate you."

"I know, I know."

Then took a seat with her, other passengers boarding just after as she sat cross legged in front of me, playing with cards. I see the magic tricks were coming back. "Right, are we playing Snap or Go Fish for the next four hours?"

"I do know how to play more games, Sister."

"Yes, but those are ones I can easily cheat at, and you never believe me if I say I win fair and fair." That was a fair point. Snap was literally luck of the draw, and you couldn't lie in Go Fish. "So, Snap or Go Fish?"

Only before I could say Go Fish, the Hostess appeared, handing out the freebies so she got back up into her seat for the time being. "That's the headphones for channels one to thirty six. Modem link for 3D vid-games. Complimentary earplugs. Complimentary slippers. Complimentary juice pack and complimentary peanuts. I must warn you some products may contain nuts."

LizBeth rolled her eyes, amber eyes frustrated at what I was about to put her through. "That'll be the peanuts."

The Hostess had clearly heard that too many times. "Enjoy your trip."

"Oh, I can't wait. Allons-y."

"I'm sorry?"

"It's Earth French, for let's go." She replied, short hair now with a white streak. "Sorry, he's a bit special, we only take him out on rare occasions." That was mean.

But she moved on to the people who got on behind us, which Lizzy hated as there were plenty of seats even further back. Especially as they were really, really fussy, but they then leaned over to shake our hands. Ah. One issue. Her just running meant that she had a lot of skin on show, and just short little lace gloves. "Hobbes. Professor Winfold Hobbes."

"I'm the Doctor. Hello."

She ignored his hand in favour of expertly shuffling the cards like a Space Vegas dealer. "Professor Elizabeth Caine. I'm not here willingly, my brother jinxed himself."

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