Broken Binds

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The Doctor:

I had to admit, my sister doing her regular checks on her friends could be really useful to see if they were in trouble that they couldn't get out of. Like Sarah Jane being hoodwinked by the Trickster, and she was determined to get her own back against him for the whole Trickster Brigade bug that attacked Donna.

It took a very long time to be able to land the TARDIS there, both of us having to work together to manage it, before we ran into the wedding room, everyone staring at us as we burst through the doors. "Stop this wedding now!"


"What's going on?"

"Who the hell is that?"

"I don't believe it."

"Who're they?"

"Master! Elizabeth!"

My sister was standing her ground. "We said, stop this wedding."

A strong wind started blowing through the room, LizBeth throwing up her hands in a field of force to try and fight back. "Alert! Alert! Danger, Mistress!"

"Stop! Get away from him! Peren!"

"No! Peter, no!"

The man she was marrying held her tight. "Don't be afraid, Sarah Jane. It's the Angel."

A faceless figure in white appeared, making Liz bare her teeth angrily, the kids Sarah worked with knowing it too. "The Trickster!"

"Mum! Mum!"

"Peren!" She tried to push further out, but force against time winds wasn't exactly fair. "Trickster, let her go!"

It was happy that we were stuck, like it wanted us here. "Too late, Time Lords. You're mine, Sarah Jane Smith. Mine forever."



"Doctor! Lizzy!"

They both vanished in the time winds, before the unaware guests were taken too, my sister making it to the kids. "Everyone down! Huddle together, come on!"

Meaning we managed to stay together as the room went white for a moment, waking up on the floor, with my sister going around trying to work it out while rousing the kids. "Luke? Luke Smith."


She smiled at him, throwing me my sonic that I'd given to her for repairs. I may have sat on it. "That's me, and that's my brother, the Doctor. Nice to meet you in the flesh, honey."

"What, what happened? Mum and the Trickster."

I moved forward to calm him, able to actually help him more because my sister was in thick gloves and wasn't really doing well with touching anyone right now. Partly made me worried, but she assured me that she was fine. "Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke, listen to me. Everything's going to be alright. We can find Sarah. We can bring her back. We promise, right, Lizzy?" She nodded with a smile. "But we need you to be strong for us, just like you were before. We know you can do it."

Now the other two woke up, the boy staring at us, especially my sister. "Who are you?"

She moved along to them. "You're Clyde Langer, I love your art, you're Rani Chandra, your stories are going to be amazing."

"What? How'd you know my name?"

Rani worked it out a lot faster. "Wait a moment. You must be. It's you two, isn't it?"

Yeah, I was trying to get the sonic to work here. "That's us."

"The Doctor and the Remembrance, Professor Lizzy."

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