:drunk cuddles

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"You better get your ass over her, DJ

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"You better get your ass over her, DJ." Jc almost ordered.

"Dude, it's 2am" I groaned sitting up in bed, rubbing my eyes and squinting at the clock.

"I'm up so you're up. Get here" Jc snapped and the seriousness to his voice made my laziness be overridden by my mother instincts.

"Okay okay what's up?" I asked him holding the phone between my ear and my shoulder as I pulled on the closest shorts to hand and grabbed my keys.

"Kian came home drunk as fuck, he's vomiting and asking for you"

I rolled my eyes and locked up my door before jogging towards my car, outside being much more cold than I originally planned.

"Of course he's asking for me" I grumbled sliding the seatbelt across my body "I'll be five"

The journey was much quicker than it had ever been probably because no one was on the road this early in the morning, though the lights in the boys shared house was on and gleaming through the window.

I let myself in, way too cold to wait for anyone to open the door.

"Kian!" I called out into the house still weary with the volume of my voice even though I knew everyone was due to be awake if Kian was anything like last time.

I threw my car keys upon the table and took towards the bedrooms, bumping into a frantic Jc as he exited Kian's room.

"Thank god you're here" he sighed with relief wiping his forehead free of the sweat beads "he's your problem now" he said pointing his finger towards me before holding his hands up in surrender.

"Go get some sleep" I smiled ruffling his hair making him close his eyes and yawn.

I swung round the door frame and watched Kian as he snuggled deeply into his quilt, it was barely covering his bottom half because of how much he had it balled in his arms.

"Mhm Dilly" Kian mumbled into his sheets before flickering his eyes open to watch me as I folded my arms across my chest with a smirk.

"Just because you're drunk doesn't mean you get to call me that" I scalded and he giggled reaching his arm out and patting the bed that was bare next to him.

I closed the door quietly still trying to be careful of everyone who was supposed to be sleeping.

"Why'd you want me?" I asked taking a seat on the edge of his bed, I actually believed that there was a chance I might've been able to go home after our conversation.

"Because I wanted to cuddle" he pouted sticking out his bottom lip.

I take in his soft appearance, his cheeks slightly rosey from the intoxication and his hair ruffled from how he was laid. He also looked to be wearing nothing but his boxers but due to his unclear mind he didn't seem to care about his exposed skin.

"Oh did your slut not want to come and cuddle with you?" I teased back tapping upon the three hickeys that trailed his neck.

Kian's eyebrows furrowed and his stare narrowed upon me taking a second before he pounced towards me and began to squish me under his body.

"Okay big boy my small frame isn't made for all this weight" I laughed slapping his back to try and free my body "how much did you drink" I groaned as he propped himself above me.

"Only a little" he lied but he couldn't stop himself from smirking as he said it, i cupped his cheeks between both hands.

"You're not supposed to lie to your best friend" I sulked.

"I sowwy" he replied in a baby voice his eyes suddenly glazing with tears that sparkled in the moonlight that shone through the windows "you're not mad at me are you?"

"No Ki" I sighed and his face formed into a large beam, the tears replaced with childish excitement.

"Do you want to sing a duet?" He asked me and I looked around his face for any sort of joke but he was completely serious.

"Right now?"

"Yes. Right now" he smiled his face gleaming with hope. He began to nod vigorously, his hair hitting his forehead as he moved around.

"If I cuddle with you for five minutes can we pass on the karaoke?" I questioned raising a brow as he scratched his chin.

I only then noticed how his body was practically pressed against mine, our faces inches away from each other's as he hovered above me.

"Cuddle with me all night and you have yourself a deal, Dilly"

I thought about it and wondered whether it was actually a bad idea, I couldn't possibly drive home at such a time and if I stayed I'd have to sleep on the sofa.

"Mhm okay" I smile watching as he began to squeal, kissing every inch of my face peppering his lips from my cheeks to my forehead like a puppy. "Okay okay" I giggled pushing him back down off of my body.

I laid straight up staring towards the ceiling missing the glow in the dark stickers I had in my own room back home.

Suddenly his head snuggled deeply into my torso and his arms each wrapped around my whole body like I was a teddy bear.

I ran my hand through his hair and carried on doing so until he began to purr in his sleep, a satisfied smile making its way onto my face before I drifted into my own slumber.

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