:road trip

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Jc said he wanted to get away and that all of us should go on a road trip to wherever, just to get away from the stresses of life

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Jc said he wanted to get away and that all of us should go on a road trip to wherever, just to get away from the stresses of life.

As soon as I knew that Dillon had been invited and she'd agreed there was no way I wasn't going to go.

He'd allowed me to go and pick her up without the others because he knew she'd be more happy and confident being with me and on the way to pick her up I was informed that they'd already set of.

So that left me and Dillon,


for hours,

I was NOT complaining.

"Hello handsome" she smiled as she skipped out of her house with a backpack hauled on her back.

I hadn't seen her as happy in a while and my heart swelled.

"Hi sunshine" I grinned rolling down the window to watch her lock up her house and dancing over towards my car, she leant in my window and cheekily placed a kiss on my cheek.

My stomach began to flutter, I couldn't explain it, I found myself laughing to try and play off the rosey blush that spread across my cheeks.

"So where to?" She asked throwing her legs up on my dashboard but I was so in complete awe that I forgot to answer so she giggled and shook her head "have I grown another head?" She asked threading her fingers through her hair.

"No, no I just haven't seen you in a while" I stated but my eyes were burning into hers and I couldn't over come whatever I was suddenly feeling.

"You're not wrong, I've missed you, Ki" she giggled before scanning my car for the aux "What's our album of choice for today's journey?"

She chewed on her bottom lip as she scanned my Spotify and then looked back up at me with eyes glistening.

I didn't even get to answer because she squealed and oh my god it was the cutest thing I had ever seen,

"One direction!"

I didn't even have the heart to tell her that I wasn't in the mood to listen to a boy band with cheesy music. But I'm glad I didn't because an hour later we were both screaming the lyrics to 'perfect'.

"And if you like midnight driving with the windows down. And if you like going places we can't even pronounce. If you like to do whatever you've been dreaming about. Baby, yoURE PERFECT"

She had her arms stretched out the window as she sang towards the roof of my car, her voice somehow angelically screaming the words.

"Baby, you're perfect" I sang towards her and I swear there was a second where she completely froze, and I think I did too.

I don't know where Jc was leading us but we travelled through a tree-lined road and the road began to look never-ending.

It was more than a just a dream.

Dillon held her fist to her mouth as if it was a microphone and stretched across to hold it against mine as I sung towards it too.

I realised that when we pulled up to what looked like a camp site, I'd been smiling so hard that my cheeks physically hurt.

Dillon jumped out of the car launching her backpack over her shoulder and bowing to look through her window where I still sat in the drivers seat.

"C'mon I'm excited" she squealed and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from smiling goofily at her again.

When I locked the car over my shoulder she danced over towards me and threaded her fingers with mine, I looked down at our hands and then back at her lovingly.

"I've missed you" I admitted.

"Likewise" she sulked before looking ahead and catching a quick look at where Jc and Chelsey were waving.

She broke free of our hand holding and began to run towards Chelsey, practically jumping on top of her in excitement and Chelsey spun her around.

I looked down emptily at my cold and bare hand and then back up at my sunshine girl as she waved her arm for me to follow her.

And so I did, because hell I couldn't say no to such a contagious smile.

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