:best kept secret

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I remember I'd been lonely, and thinking about her being in the front room vulnerable and alone pained me and so I'd gone just to check that she was okay and had found her typing away

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I remember I'd been lonely, and thinking about her being in the front room vulnerable and alone pained me and so I'd gone just to check that she was okay and had found her typing away.

She was a writer so that wasn't what surprised me, but it was when I stepped in the room and she slammed the lid down did things start to feel weird.

She looked like she'd been crying but I didn't want to mention anything because if she needed me and was going to tell me then I knew she would've done so before I walked in on her.

I'd asked if I could sit with her and it had taken only a few minutes before she wrapped her arms around my torso and held herself there as a safety.

I threaded my hands through her hair and after hours her soft snores filled the room.

I didn't leave which was why that at half seven I was wide awake knowing that I needed to part from her so I could film but also not wanting to.

She stirred a little when I moved away but returned back to her rhythmic purr just after.

I climbed back in bed, taking off my shirt for effect before pressing record on the camera and rolling over giving it a few seconds before I pretended to wake up- alone.

Filming around the house was frustrating especially seen as I couldn't show Dillon, totally her choice though because I really wanted to. She wouldn't even talk to me if I had hold of a camera that was rolling.

Currently I was smashing pots in the kitchen and I'd most likely woken her up seen as she was asleep in the next room and soon her tired and slumped body appeared round the corner.

"Hey" I smiled flashing her a sweet smile, she hadn't noticed the camera flashing red upon the cupboard so she rubbed her eyes and grumbled,

"Let me guess you're trying to wash up"

I nodded and looked down at the stacks of plates with a sigh, I hated this which was the reason that I never did it. Jc was lucky because he was enjoying his lay in while I was left to scrub dishes.

She stepped forward and ran a hand through her hair, it flowed over her shoulders naturally with a slight wave in it.

"Want me to help... before you wake up the goddamn house?" She asked looking up from where her small frame stood, her head just where my chest was.

Instead of replying I slowly raised my arm and pointed towards the camera making her jump back in fright. She looked so panicked her chest heaving, so I stepped out of the camera view and took her hands.

"Yo it's chill, Dilly, look" I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her frozen body towards the camera "say hi to Anderson" I joked trying to make her calm down.

I could literally feel the way that her body burned and began to sweat, not to mention the way she started to shake.

I cupped her face between both my hands and brought my forehead down upon hers but her eyes squeezed together and she wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"Go to my room, I'll come see you in ten with no camera, I promise"

She timidly nodded and scurried away before I ran a hand through my hair and began to speak to the camera noting to Anderson that she should be edited out completely of everything.

She was my best kept secret and she liked that and even though I longed to introduce her to the fans I respected her wishes.

After finishing up my goofing around, with the same hyperness I bounced into my bedroom, my hands free of any cameras.

Dillon was sat crossed legged in my bed only wearing one of my shirts, her hair messily tied up. I also noticed that she was wearing a pair of my glasses so they were a little too big on her face.

She was typing on her laptop and when she heard my laughs she looked up with a red blush.

"I left mine at home" she stated pointing towards my glasses and I shrugged and jumped onto the bed next to her but she angled the laptop screen away from me.

"Why are you being so secretive of your new project" I pouted throwing myself on top of her messily she moaned and tried to push me off but I was too heavy.

"Why are you being so nosey" she teased back and I pushed back her forehead with the palm of my hand and she giggled as my glasses hung loosely on her nose.

"Isn't that what best friends are for?" I questioned and she grumbled and clutched the laptop to her chest being extremely possessive of it.

"You can read it when I want you to read it" she stated back a soft smile appearing on her face.

I don't know why she did it but she booped my nose and it made me chuckle and starfish across my bed as a warm tingling sensation ran through my veins.

"Don't you have more to film?" She asked watching as I stared up to the ceiling, I sighed and nodded "Go film then, bitchass" she slapped her hand down on my chest making me hiss at the pain.

"But I wanna spend time with youuuuuu" I sang and although she shook her head I didn't miss the way her lips formed into a small smile. "One day you're going to be in one of our videos, mark my words"

I stood from the bed and ran my hands down my outfit to sort of the creases I had left in my pants.

"Over my dead body, Ki" she said finally setting down her laptop upon her lap and slowly opening the lid never breaking our eye contact.

"You said that about me calling you Dilly and now look" I fired back. Before walking out the room I heard her shout back,

"I still don't like it"

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