Chapter 6

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I'll be sure to keep my eye on you, Jennifer Bates.

Dumbledore's threat ran through my mind over and over again as I made my way to the Great Hall for breakfast the next morning. I had been incredibly lucky that he hadn't found my mark yet. Next time I wouldn't be so lucky. That's what his threat told me. Next time he would dig deeper and find out everything.

I had to do something. I had to show him he could trust me. But how?

I sat down at the end of the Hufflepuff table, closest to the door, where I always sat. I grabbed a piece of toast and nibbled on it, not even bothering with butter.

How does one gain the trust of a headteacher?

Well, probably not by wrecking classrooms...

Wait, that's it! I had to do the complete opposite of wrecking classrooms. I had to play the goody-two-shoes, the sweet Hufflepuff girl, the good student. My eyes glided over the table, studying my housemates, as a plan began to form.

I had to blend in.

That was not going to be easy with the reputation I'd been building. But that reputation was exactly what I needed to get rid of, if I was to lose Dumbledore's focus.

With a sigh I dropped my unfinished toast on my plate and made my way up to Charms class. Today was going to be a long day.

I was one of the first students at class and found a spot near the back. This was where I sat in most classes, and people left me alone here. I glanced around the classroom hesitantly. Maybe I should sit somewhere else today? I was meant to try and blend in, after all. But wouldn't it be too suspicious if I suddenly chose another seat?

Before I had a chance to make up my mind, the other students came trudging in and so did professor Flitwick. No matter. I'd find a way.

"Welcome, welcome class," he said as he climbed up onto his pile of books near the window. Once up there, he stood up straight and smiled at his students. "We've got an exciting lesson ahead of us. Today, we will be learning about the Exploding Charm."

My eyes snapped up, but he wasn't looking at me.

"Otherwise known as Bombarda."

I had to physically swallow away a groan of frustration, as professor Flitwick started his lecture. This was on purpose. It must've been. The first lesson after I blow up a classroom, we learn about the spell I did that with? It couldn't be a coincidence. But what was the point of it?

No. That wasn't what was important right now. I had to focus. Blend in.

I struggled to listen to Flitwick's lecture, but I did pretend to take notes. As long as it seemed like I was being a good student, that would be enough, right?

After the lecture, we were put into pairs and sent off to different corners of the room to practice. My partner was a Hufflepuff girl with blonde plaits over her shoulders. I recognised her. She was the same girl I'd blown off on my first day at Hogwarts. What was her name again? Heather? Hannah?

The girl reluctantly shuffled towards me. I smiled at her, but I wasn't sure whether it was convincing. As we got to our corner of the room, she cleared her throat. "So... Do you want to go first?"

"Sure," I shrugged. I aimed my wand at the fake door Flitwick had put out for us to practice on and said, "Bombarda."

An explosion erupted and the door flew off its hinges. Professor Flitwick clapped and squeaked, "Well done, miss Bates! Ten points to Hufflepuff for a perfect Exploding Charm!"

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