Part 2

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Caraine POV

I Was Layed Out On My Bed Thinking About Diamond I Really Got Strong Feelings For Her I Know We Bestfriends But That Ass Is On Fleke It's So Fat Damnn I Felt My Lil Man Getting Hard I Had To Calm Him Down I Heared My Phone Vibrating I Looked At My Phone It Said Fuck Buddy Flashing Across The Screen I Gotta Admit I Needed Shawty Right About Now I Pulled The Green Answer Bar Over

Hello. I Said Into The Phone

Hey Baby. Tahiti Said Into The Phone

I Rolled My Eyes. Wassup I Said Dryly

What's Wrong. She Asked Sencere

I Just Need You Right Now. I Said Honestly

Ok Daddy I'm On The Way Make Sure You Got Condoms. She Said Giggling A Little

I Know Ma. I Said Obviously Annoyed

Ok Bye

Bye. I Said Hanging Up The Phone I Know This Is The Only Way I Can Get Diamond Out My Mind I Know It's Not The Right Way But It's A Way

August POV

I Was Getting Ready For My Date With Diamond Shawty Bad I Can't Lie It Was 7:50 And I Ain't Wanna Be Late My Phone Started Vibrating On The Night Stand I Looked At It And It Was My Ex Jazz I Ain't Got Time For Her Hoe Ass Right Now

I Answered The Phone. What. I Said

Damn Baby Why So Uptight. She Said Sexually

Mane What You Want Jazz Damn. I Said Annoyed

You Baby Just You. She Said

Manee I Ain't Got Time For Your Lil Fuck Games Don't Call My Phone

Ok August I'll Call You Later

Nahh Shawt-. I Was Cut Off By The Dial Tone. I Threw My Phone On The Bed I Finished Getting Dressed So I Could Leave To Pick Up Diamond

Diamond POV

I Had Just Had Carter Zip Up My Open Back Body Con Dress With My Red Bottoms

Thanks Bruhh. I Said Kissing His Cheek

You Sure You Gon Be Alright On This Date By Yourself. He Asked Me

Yea You Gon Be Straight. Maurice Came In My Room

Yes I Am Thanks Foe Asking Guys I Wish Mom Was The One That Was Zipping Up My Dress. I Said With My Voice Cracking

It's Ok D Mom Will Come Around. Maurice Said Rubbing My Back

I Smiled I Swear I Love My Brothers I Heard A Car Horn Outside I Grabbed My Clutch And Checked My Hair In The Mirror My Curls Was Sexy I Put On Red Lipstick Really Fast And Headed Downstairs

Call When Your On Your Way. Carter Said

Ok Love You

Love You Too. They Both Said

Hey August. I Said Walking To His Cocaine White Lexus

Wassup Ma. He Said Opening My Door For Me To Get In I Smiled A Little

Once I Got Settled Into The Car I Grabbed My Phone And Saw Carain Was Calling Me I Just Ignorned It And Made A Mental Note To Call Him Later

Who Was That. August Asked With His Eyes On The Road

My Bestfriend. I Said Plainly

Your Bestfriend Is A Boy. He Asked With His Eyebrow Raised

Yes Is That A Problem

Nahh Ma It's Ight

I Laughed Ok So Tell Me About You August

Ok I'm August Alsina, Drug Dealer I'm Not In School I'm Tryna Provide For Me And Moms My Brother Was Shot And Killed About A Year Ago And I'm Taking His Place In The Game Nothing Major. He Said Shrugging His Shoulders

I'm So Sorry About Your Brother. I Said Lowly

Nahh Shawty You Straight. He Said Smiling


So What About You. He Asked

I'm Diamond Reed 17 I Love Fashion And Singing My Mom Is A Prostitute And I Don't Know My Father My Brothers Basically Raise Me My Favorite Color Is Purple And I Am In School. I Said Laughing At The Last Part

So Now You Making Fun Of Me. He Asked Playfully

Maybe. I Said Laughing

Ok Imma Let That Slide Just Because You Look Sexy Asf Tonight

Ok So That Means I Never Look Sexy Asf. I Said Playfully

Nahh Ma You Know I Ain't Mean It Like That

I Laughed Yea Ik .After Riding And Laughing A Few More Minutes We Pulled Up To This Real Fancy Restaurant

Good Thing I Wore This Pretty Ass Dress. I Said Sliding My Hand Down My Body

Mmmm Mmm Mmm. August Said Licking His Lips

Don't Flatter Yourself. I Said Laughing

Ight. He Said Taking My Hand And Walking Up To The Restaurant Entrance He Opened The Door And Allowed Me To Walk In First We Walked Up To The Desk

Dinner For 2 We Had A Reservation. He Said Winking At Me

I Smiled A Little

Oh Yea Mr.Alsina Right This Way. She Said Grabbing The Menu's And Walking Us All The Way To The Balcony Of The Restaurant I Walked Out The Door In Awe It Was Gorgeous We Ordered Our Food And Made Small Talk If You Cut Out All The Drug Dealer Shit August Really Is A Nice Guy


Thanks For Tonight August I Really Loved It. I Said Walking To My Front Door

He Fanned Me Off. It's Straight I'm Glad You Had A Great Time

Yea. I Said Smiling He Looked Into My Eyes And Leaned In He Smashed His Lips Into Mine And I Backed Up Against The Door After Awhile I Pulled Away

Damn. I Said Lowly

He Laughed. I'll See You Tomorrow Call Me

Ok. I Said Walking Into The House Carter And Maurice Weren't Home I Guess They At The Trap I Heared Coughing Coming From The Kitchen I Walked Into The Kitchen And Saw My Mom Snorting Crack At The Table

Mom What Are You Doing. I Said Knocking All The Stuff On The Floor

She Turned Around. Baby You Don't Understand This Is How I Provide For Yall This Is How We Live In This Big House Just Let Me Do My Job

Your Job Is Going To Kill You. You Know What If You Don't Care About Killing Yourself Than Why Should I Care. I Said Walking Away

DIAMOND. She Yelled

I Just Kept Walking I Got To My Room And Locked The Door I Swear My Mom Can't Keep Living Like This

Trap Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now