Part 6

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August POV

I Opened The Door To A Bloody Diamond What The Fuck I Yelled

August Please Don't Yell. She Said Softly

I Wanted To Cry So Bad And No I Ain't Soft But I Actually Love Her I Picked Her LIfeless Body Up Off The Ground And Carried Her Into The Bathroom I Ran Her A Milk Warm Bath Water And I Put Bubbles In It I Stripped Her Out Her Clothes And She Covered Herself And Started Shaking

I'm Not Going To Hurt Yu Ma

She Nodded. I Sat Her Down Into The Water

I'm Calling Your Brothers. I Said As I Walked Out

It Hurt Me Way To Bad To See My Girk Like This Whoever Did This That's They Ass. I Picked Up My Phone And Dialed Carter

Carter: Wassup August

August: Carter Your Sister Just Came Back Home Bloody Asf And She Won't Talk To Me Or Tell Me Anything I Think Somebody Raped Her I Swear If I Find Out Who It Is Imma Kill Them Carter Word You And Maurice Need To Come Over Now Maybe She'll Talk To Yall

Carter: Ight I'm Bringing My Guns I'm Killing A Nigga Tonight Fucking With My Sister. And With That He Hung Up

I Rubbed My Hand Down My Face And Sighed I Walked Back Upstairs And Diamond Was Still In The Tub Looking Down The Water Was Now Pink

Baby Who Did This To You I Need To Know Right Now. I Said Leaning On The Door Frame

She Didn't Say Anything She Just Looked At Me

I Knew She Didn't Feel Like Talking About It Right Now

WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO YOU DIAMOND. Maurice Said Busting Into The Bathroom.

She Started Crying

August Leave Me And Carter Gon Talk To Her We'll All Be Down In A Minute

Ight Man. I Said Walking Out The Bathroom

Diamond POV

I Knew I Couldn't Tell Them What Was Really Going On I Couldn't Have My Brothers And Man Sitting Up In Prison Because Of Me

Look Diamond We're Only Asking You A Couple Times So You Need To Speak Up. Carter Said

I Nodded My Head

No You Need To Speak To Us We Don't Understand That Head Movement Shit. Maurice Said To Me

I Looked Up At Them Both

I Have Nothing To Tell You Guys It's Best If Yall Don't Know. I Said Softly

Diamond Did Someone Touch You? Carter  Asked

I Just Broke Down And Nodded

AUGUST COME HERE. Maurice Yelled

She Said Someone Touched Her Who Are Her Close Friends

Some Nigga Named Caraine I Think. August Said

I Looked Away I Couldn't Show Any Signs That It Was Him I Signaled For Someone To Hand Me A Towel August Handed Me One And I Wrapped It Around Me And Limped Out Of The Bathroom I Cryed Some More Because This Nigga Took My Virginity The Only Thing I Really Cherished Something I Wanted To Keep Until I Chose To Give It Up

We'll Talk More About This Tomorrow Diamond We're Leaving. Carter And Maurice Said

I Nodded My Head And Sat On The Edge Of The Bed

Diamond Was It Him That Touched You. August Said Asked Through Gritted Teeth

August Please If I Tell You Don't Hurt Anyone. I Said Lowly

Uhhuh. He Said Looking At Me

He Raped Me August. I Said Crying

August Jumped Up And Threw On A Sweat Suit He Grabbed His Gun And Walked Out The Room

No August Please. I Said Trying To Run After Him

Get Off Of Me Diamond This Nigga Not Gon Rape You And Get Away With It The Fuck. He Said Slamming The Door Behind Him

I Knew August Would Murk Him I Limped Back Upstairs And Threw On Some Sweatpants And A Pink Shirt And My Jordan Tropicals 6 I Threw My Hair Up Into A Bun And Grabbed My Gun I Grabbed My Keys And Phone And Walked To My Car I Got In And Pulled Off

After Driving For 5 Minutes I Pulled Up Into Caraines Driveway I Saw August's Car And Jumped Out I Was In So Much Pain BUt I Managed It I Walked To The Door And It Was Unlocked I Busted In And Saw August With The Gun To Caraines Head

No August Put The Gun Down Please Baby. I Said Softly

He Looked At Me But Kept The Gun To His Head Coraine Grabbed August Gun And I Pulled Out Mine


You're Not Gonna Shoot Me Diamond I Know You Won't. Caraine Said Pointing The Gun At August

I Cocked My Gun. Oh I Won't I Said Pulling The Trigger

NO DIAMOND. August Yelled Jumping In Front Of Me

I Screamed And Everything Went Black

Trap Life( August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now