Part 5

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Passion POV

I Was Now In 8th Period When I Received A Text From Caraine I Sighned And Opened It

Caraine: Remember What I Told You Sexy I Wanna See You Tonight Be At My House At 7:30 Don't Be Late Or You Will Get Something You'll Never Forget Haha Love You Bestfriend

I Cringed I Couldn't Take This Anymore I Didn't Wanna Tell August Because He Would Kill Caraine I Just Didn't Reply I Called August And Told Him To Come Pick Me Up Now

Bae: I'm On My Way Now What's Wrong

Me❤: Nothing I Need Sleep And Thus Teacher Boring The FUCK Otta Me Lol

Bae: Come On Out I'm Here

Me❤: Ok

I Walked Out The Class And Out The Doors To August Standing Beside His Car

How Was School Ma. He Asked Me

It's School Haha It Was Good. I Smiled Just To Assure Him

Ok You Hungry.He Asked Me

Yes Kinda. I Said Back To Him

Well How About You Cook For The Both Of Us. He Said Smiling

Lol August You Ain't Slick. I Said Laughing But Ok I'll Cook

He Was Happy. Ok

We Pulled Up To His House And Got Out. He Opened The Door And We Walked In I Went To The Kitchen To See What He Had This Nigga Had Everything I Needed I Laughed A Little Then Started Getting All The Ingredients I Needed I Decided On Making Spicy Gumbo, Cabbage, And Cornbread And Rice I Know August Ain't Had A Home Cooked Meal Since He Moved Here From NOLA


Damn Bae This Food Bustin. He Said Taking A Bite Of Food

Thanks Baby. I Looked Over At My Phone And It Was 7:30 I Literally Wanted To Cry

Baby Imma Be Back In Like An Hour

Alright Ma Be Safe

Ok I Will. I Walked Out The Door And To My Car It Took Me 10 Minutes To Get To Caraines House I Pulled Up In His Yard And Knocked On The Door He Came To The The Door Shirtless With No Shirt Or Pants On I Swallowed Hard He Was Smoking A Blunt He Pulled Me Into The House By My Hair He Threw Me Against The Wall And Got In My Face He Took A Puff Of  The Blunt And Blew The Smoke In My Face

I Told You Not To Be Late You Testing Me. He Said Slapping Me Across My Face I Slapped Him Back Df He Slapped Me Harder Which Made Me Fall To The Floor

Get Up. He Said Loudly

I Lifted My Weak Body Off The Floor.Follow Me. He Said Walking Toward The Stairs I Walked Behind Him Until We Made It To His Room

Strip Out Your Clothes Right Now And Get In The Shower

Strip Out My Clo-. I Was Cut Off

Shut The Fuck Up And Do It. He Said Pulling His Boxers Off

I Didn't Look I Just Started To Cry And Slowly Remove My Clothes I Cryed Harder As I Undid My Bra And Took Off My Lace Panties

Shut The Fuck Up Diamond Damn Your Making Me Mad Ma. He Said Walking Around Me He Stopped In Front Of Me And Licked His Lips He Pulled My Body Into His I Tenced Up

It's Ok Baby Girl. He Said Playing In My Hair

Get In The Shower. He Commaned Me

I Just Stood There


I Jumped And Scurried Along To His Shower He Got In Behind Me And Admired My Body I Cryed Harder He Slapped Me Across The Face

Why Are You Crying So Much. He Asked Me

Please Don't Hurt Me. I Cryed To Him

Blah Blah Shut That Shit Up. He Cut Off The Shower And Got Out He Threw Me And Towel To Dry Off. I Dryed Off As He Watched Me

Can I Put Back On My Clothes Now I Said Picking My Bra Up

Put The Damn Bra Down. He Said

I Slowly Put It Down He Came Over To Me And Threw Me On His Bed I Cryed Trying To Get Up

Lay Down The More You Fight The More It's Gonna Hurt. He Assured Me

Please Don't Carrain Please I'm A Virgin. I Told Him

I Don't Give 2 Flying Fucks About Your So Called Virginity Your Mine Now Bitch And I Do What I Want

I Cryed Hard As He Positoned Himself Between My Legs He Rammed Inside Me As I Started To Bleed

Bitch. He Said As He Thrusted Inside Of Me

I Cryed Hard I Looked Over At The Clock And It Read 8:00 He Continued To Rape Me For 10 More Minutes I Cryed The Whole Time I Had Blood All On My Clothes

Get Out My House Bitch. He Said Slapping Me Multiple Times

I Crawled Out His Room As He Kicked Me In My Stomach I Coughed Up Blood Which Made Him Grab Me By My Hair And Throw Me Ouside As He Closed And Locked The Door I Struggled To Get Up Off The Ground To Get Inside My Car I Made It Inside My Car Still Bleeding Between My Legs I Just Cryed I Started Driving Until I Made It To August House I Crawled Up His Pathway And Knocked On The Door As Hard As I Could My Body Was Just So Weak After A Couple Mins August Came To Door Lord What Am I Going To Tell Him

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