Part 10

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August POV

So Are You Gonna Take Care Of This Baby August Your Just 17. My Mother Asked Me

Yes Mom I'm Responsible. I Answered Back

She Smiled. August Your Growing Up So Fast I Love You Baby. She Said Kissing My Forehead

I Smiled. Ma Stop With All That Mushy Stuff. I Said Wiping Her Kiss Off And Laughing

Boy One Day You Gonna Wish For Your Mama Kisses

I Know Mama. I Said Kissing Her Cheek

She Wiped It Off. Ma Stop With All That Mushy Stuff. She Said Mocking Me

I Laughed And Walked Out The Kitchen My Mama Always Knows What To Say To Help Me. I Saw April And Diamond Talking Which Was Really Good

Ok April Hurry The Hell Up I'm Ready To Go. My Mama Said

Ok Bye Diamond. April Said Carresing Diamond In A Hug

You Take Care Of That Baby. You Hear Me?  My Mama Told Diamond

Yes Ma'am I Will. Diamond Said Smiling

Ok Bye August Love You. My Mama Said Walking Out

Love You Too Mama. I Said Closing The Door Behind Them Diamond Was On The Couch Crying

Damn Emotional Already. I Said Walking Towards Her

Leave Me Alone August. She Said Running Up The Stairs

I Ran Behind Her She Ran In The Room And Locked Herself In The Bathroom I Sighed And Walked Over To The Door

Baby What Did I Do. I Said Trying To Talk To Her Through The Door

I Wanna Be Alone Please. She Said Still Crying

Just Come Out The Bathroom. I Said

NO. She Said Yelling At Me

I Sighed. Ok I'll Be Downstairs. I Said Just Sitting By The Door

Ok. She Said Still Wimpering


I Heard The Locks Click And Diamond Walked Out The Door

I Thought You Were Downstairs. She Said With Her Eyes Bloodshot

I Couldn't Just Leave You And My Baby Up Here. I Said Standing Up

Your Baby? She Asked

Yea My Baby. I Know It's Not Really Mine But I Know I'm Gonna Be Taking Care Of It. I Said With A Smile

I'm Sorry For How I Acted. She Said Putting Her Arms Around My Waist

It's Ok I Know How Them Mood Swings Be

Yea She Said With A Laugh I'm Going To Sleep. She Said Stripping Out Her Clothes

Ewww You Not Gon Wash Your Ass. I Said With A Stank Look

She Gave Me The Side Eye. Don't Play August

Ok Ok. I Said Throwing My Hands Up In Serender

She Laughed And Layed Down. Damn This Has Been A Long Day

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