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Diamond POV

'So I Heard You Date August Alsina' Trey Said Eating A Scoop Of Ice Cream As We Walked Around The Park😩

'I Don't Even Know For Sure Anymore. We Had Oral Before Our Date A Week Ago' I Admitted

'Oh' He Said In Response

'I Really Like You Trey, But August Is My Baby Daddy. How Would That Work' I Asked

'I'm Fine With That. I'll Still Love That Baby Like My Own' He Said Smiling

'Mm Well I'll Come By Your House Later With Some News' I Said Hopping In My Car

'Aright D, Be Safe' He Said Watching Me Pull Off

I Drove Off Towards August House. When I Pulled Into His Yard I Saw Another Car Pulled Into His Driveway. I Got Out Locking My Doors. I Walked Up To His Door & Knocked.😩😩😩😐

'Diamond' He Asked Looking At Me

'Yea, Are You Busy' I Asked Seeing A Half Naked Girl Behind Him

'Yea' He Said Back

'Oh, Alright, Well I Came To Get My Things' I Said Pushing Pass Him

'Diamond Wait' He Said Trailing Behind Me

'What' I Said

'Why Are You Even Here' He Asked

'I Came To Talk About Our Baby, But Apparently Your Too Busy' I Said Grabbing My Things

'You See I Have Company' He Said

'That Whore Is More Important Than Our Baby' I Asked

He Just Looked Down.😒

' Wow, Bye August' I Said Walking Off

'You Can Come Over Later' He Said Behind Me

'I'm Done' I Said Slamming His Door. I Can't Believe He Just Chose Her Over Our Baby. I Didn't Even Get To Tell Him Were Having A Boy. I Guess I'll Be Raising Omarion Anthony Reed All By Myself. I Said To Myself Pulling Off Towards Trey's House Here. I Heard My Phone Ringing So I Answered It.

U N K N O W N✋// You Thought You Could Run Away, I'm Closer Than You Think. The Voice Said. I Immediately Knew Who It Was. I Hung The Phone Up && Kept Driving. I Pulled Up Into Trey's Yard && Ran To His Door Banging On It. He Ran To The Door Opening It.

'Dang Girl, What's The Problem' He Said Tying His Sweat Pants String Up.

'My Ex Best Friend Found Me' I Said Starting To Cry

'Oh No' He Said Looking At Me

'What Am I Going To Do' I Asked

'Well Im Leaving Tomorrow, Come With Me' He Said

'Ok' I Said Walking Up The Stairs. I Laid Down && Went Straight To Sleep.

Next Morning✌️🙌👌😩

'Come On D' Trey Said Laughing At Me While I Exited The Plane

'Shutup Nigga' I Said Laughing

'Whatever, Let Me Take Your Pregnant Ass Home' He Said Laughing. I Got Into The Car Still Laughing. I Couldn't Wait To Get Into My Bed. Trey Finally Arrived At My House, Helping Me Get My Bags Out.

'Imma Go, But If You Need Anything Just Call' He Said Walking Out The Door. Moments Later I Heard The Door Open Again

'Trey Your Back' I Said Not Looking Back

'It's Me Baby' I Heard A Voice Say.

'Coraine' I Asked Getting Scared

'Don't Worry The Police Are Already On Their Way' He Said Laughing

'Please Just Leave' I Said

'I'm Getting Rid Of That Baby' He Said Walking Towards Me

'No' I Screamed Then I Heard Police Sirens.

The End. Don't Worry Babes It's A Sequel. I'm Thinking About Naming It 'Living Life' I'll Try To Have It Up By Tonight, But If Not. Tomorrow. I'll Let You Know. Thanks To All My Readers.💋🙌💘😂😍 I Love Y'all.


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