How You Meet (Male)

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Sweet pea-

"Fuck," You heard the tall raven haired guy in a serpent jacket curse. "Problem," You asked while grabbing your books from your locker? "Yeah, it won't open," The guy answered.  "Undo the lock and then punch it by the piece where you open it," You instruct. He did as you told and it flung open. "Thanks how did you know how to do that," The serpent asked turning to face you? "I used to have it Freshmen year until my older sister complained and got me one that worked," You answered turning to face him with a smile. "I'm Y/N," You introduced. "Sweet pea," The teen replies. You let out a small giggle. "What is so funny," He asked with a wide smile. "Your name is really sweet pea," You say through your laughter. "Don't judge," He playfully reprimanded. "Your not what I expected a Southsider to be like," You say honestly. "And how was that," Sweet pea asked? "Scary, a criminal, a delinquent, bad," You ramble. "Your not what I thought a Northsider would be like either," He cut you off. "And what did you think we were like," You asked? "Stuck up, spoiled, rich, whiny, arrogant, intitled," He rambled. "Most of us are like that," You mumbled. "Yeah same with us," He mumbled back. The bell rang. "I have to get to class do you need help finding your next class," You asked? "Actually yeah that would be great I have Biology," The raven-haired boy answers. "So do I grab your books let go," You instruct.

Fp Jones-

You opened the door to the Whyte Wyrm heading over to the bar. A small girl with light brown skin, dark brown hair that has light pink high lights, and almond-shaped brown eyes was working and asked, "What can I get you?" "I have an interview for a bartender position," You answer. "Up the stairs to the office up there knock on the door," The serpent instructed. "Thank you," You thank. You walked across the bar and up the stairs to the closed office door. You softly knocked on the door. "Who is it," A deep voice called from inside. "Y/N Y/L/N I am here for my interview," You called through. You heard shuffling in the room and then the turning of a lock. The door swung open to reveal a handsome man with short raven hair and light brown eyes. He extended out his hand before introduced himself, "Fp Jones." You took his hand in yours and shook it. You removed your hand from his. "Come in," He directs pointing to the seat.  You sat down and he sat opposite you. "I am going to be brutally honest you don't look like your going to work your a pretty little thing from the north side the guys and girls around here they will chew you up and spit you out," The serpent king says brutally. "No offense but I don't scare easily I knew this was a bar on the southside and not just any bar the southside serpent's bar I know you are the king of the biggest gang in Riverdale and yet I still put in the application and I still showed up today," You replied. He smirked before, "Can you start now?" "Wait really," You asked in disbelief. "Can you," Fp asked? "Yes of course," You answer. "Well, then let's go you start now," The serpent says with a smile. You both walked out the door. "MEET OUR NEWEST BARTENDER Y/N A ROUND OF SHOTS ON ME TO CELEBRATE THE NEWEST MEMBER OF OUR FAMILY," He yells while clapping. The serpents all started clapping and cheering. He turned to you and smiled as he instructed, "Go get them there shots bartender." You walked down the stairs to the bar. You slipped behind the bar and began to pour the shots.

Reggie Mantle-

A  tall, attractive, and athletically built man with straight black hair, dark brown eyes, and olive skin in a blue and yellow leatherman jacket was putting some books in his bag. "Excuse me this is probably a stupid question but do you by any chance know where the gym is, " You asked nervously. He turned to face you and directed, "Yeah go down this hall take a right and it is the double doors in the middle." "Thank you," You thank. "I haven't seen you around before," He states voice lace with curiosity. "I am Y/N I just moved here from new york with my sister and my mom," You reply.   "I'm Reggie I was just heading out to the football field I got to go to the locker room and change anyway can I walk you to the gym," He introduced before asking? "That would be great thanks," You thank.

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