The Boyfriend Ch 2.1

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My jaw nearly fell, an extra thousand for a car ride? The five thousand was hard enough to pay as it is, I can't afford an extra thousand. Besides wasn't she about to give us a ride anyway? "We'll take it." Asher said then turned to me, "I'll work extra hours to pay for it, babe. Besides either way we'd end up paying."

His voice sounded so soft and loving, that it almost made my heart flutter, if it wasn't fake. Madam didn't lie, Asher made a good lover. He reached out to wrap an arm around me, but I backed away. The shocked look on his face was priceless. "You don't have to touch me because you're my lover." I said harshly.

Madam laughed, "Virigy, you take this whole free will thing a little too serious. After all you just bought his soul and body from me."

"I need that ride." I reminded ignoring her comment.

She sighed shooting Asher a glance, then walked back into her office closing the door. We stood there in silence, not even looking at each other. It was awkward to say the least. However the feeling wasn't anything new, not when you're considered to be a freak amongst your peers. Asher fidgeted, his arms crossed and his body slightly slouched. He stared at me for second, before coughing. I turned towards him, "You alright there?"

"Fine," he answered, straightening up. Once again a surprise expression on his face. I didn't understand how he could be so surprised by everything? Maybe he's easily shocked or something?

"So, why do you need your car all of the sudden?"

My cheeks heated up. I really didn't want to admit to forgetting my brother and cousins at the airport. But he'd find out sooner or later, right? Asher's eyes scanned me as if deciphering my feelings. A nervous laughed escaped my lips and my nails dug into the back of my neck anxiously. He turned away from me, closing his eyes. "If you don't want to say, you don't have to. Just calm down."

I took a deep breath calming. He's right, I had to calm down. There was no reason for me to panic like this, besides he's a prostitute, me forgetting my family couldn't be the worst thing he heard. "My family is at the airport, waiting for me to pick them up. I kind of forgot that, it's my turn to watch Bubba and Jared." I admitted guilty.

Asher raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. His face showed no immediate signs of disgust nor amusement, except for a small gleam of pleasure hidden in his cold green eyes. It may not be a smile, but it is a start. I scooted a little closer to him. The air of awkwardness had toned down a bit. "How old are they?" he asked suddenly.

"Who? Bubba and Jared?" he nodded, "Well if I remember correctly, Bubba's about four and Jared is turning six in a few months. But they're with my brother Luke right now, so it's not that big of a deal."

"Are they your kids?" he inquired stiffly.

Laughter exploded from me. Asher seemed to calm a bit, I take it he had experience with other women's kids. "No, they're my aunt's grandchildren. She had custody over them until she died a year ago. And since we were the only family who are remotely capable of taking care of them, we have custody now." I explained, "However my folks can't afford to take care of them for the whole year, so Lucas and I take them in for a few months out of the year."

It shocked me, how with ease I said all of that. Normally I'd avoid the subject as much as possible, but something about Asher made me feel comfortable to speak. "Since they're at the airport, I take it they'll being staying with us for a while." He stated gloomily.

"Yeah, for about two months-I hope you don't mind." I said sheepishly.

His head whipped around to look at me, eyes slight widen. He calmed himself before saying, "I'm fine with it, I like kids in general-except when their mothers leave me to father them. It's cruel in my opinion. A mother is supposed to love their children-not leave them with some stranger and expect them not to get hurt, when they're new father figure is sent back to the brothel."

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