The boyfriend ch4

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When I woke up the next morning, I had been somewhat hoping yesterday was just a dream. However , seeing how there's a hot man sleeping next to me, I highly doubt it was. Last night Luke almost went berserk because none of the other bedrooms (there were only two to begin with), had guy stuff in it. Therefore Luke concluded that Asher and I shared a room. And not being ones to miss out on an excuse to reinforce the whole 'boyfriend' thing, we agreed with him. I had never seen my brother so red before. He literally yelled so loud that the building shook. But since Bubba and Jared were there, Luke allowed himself to be talked into calming down. Which leaves me to right now, the first and last night we'd sleep together. Part of calming Luke down, consisted of Asher moving into the other room tomorrow. And surprise, surprise! It was tomorrow.

    My eyes scanned the sleeping Asher. With each breath he took, his muscles trembled. Slowly I ran a hand across his arm. He slept shirtless last night, so I got the perfect view of those guns-and they weren't quite some guns. His skin felt soft and smooth to my touch. His body practically radiated heat. I withdrew my hand knowing that if I kept it up, I would be drooling soon. "You'd think for some so on edge all the time, you'd be a light sleeper." I muttered.

    He continued sleeping. A smiled made its way across my face, how adorable?  "Well I'm going to go cook breakfast, but don't you get up. You look like you can use the sleep." I whispered, getting out.

   I left him sleeping under my heavy lilac covers. His head laid on four pillows like a king. It was funny remembering how surprised he was to get more than one pillow. In fact the whole dilemma of sleeping together was funny. I constantly asked him if he had enough blankets last night and he constantly asked me, if I was okay with not having sex. Yeah, it had been a very awkward night last night, but it also had been the best sleep I had in a while.

     "You're up early." A groggy voice said.

  Luke stood there tiredly. He wore nothing but a red sox shirt and his black Xbox boxers. His dark brown hair stuck ever which way it possible. The sight made me laugh, causing him to glare a little. "Why are you up Steph, don't you sleep in until like four pm?"

     "Whatever Luke, I'm just making Asher breakfast." I replied, "He was so patient with the boys last night, he deserves a nice meal."

  "I'll go warn the firemen."

"Ha-ha, very funny Luke. No, muffins for you then."

"You're baking? Now I'm really going to call the firemen." Luke said before heading off in the other direction.

    A sigh escaped me, as I put on my fuzzy green slippers and black robe. Not once in the whole conservation did I ever say the word baking. After all who bakes muffins or any other type of goods when there's a bakery downstairs?  Someone stupid that's who. Besides Frankie and Cecilia the owners of bakery downstairs loved me, especially since I help babysit their baby Lucy every once in a while. Frankie and Cecilia were amazing bakers and kind people. Both being immigrants from Italy who decided to try to set up a bakery in the Southside of  Plymouth. So far they've been really successful. Not once has their bakery been empty of people unless it was closed. In fact they were so successful they're actually my landlords. "Good Morning, Stephanie." Frankie greeted.

     His voice still held a heavy Italian accent from when he first came. It probably was one of the reasons they were so successful. Frankie's accent is to swoon over, and he not that bad looking either. He is at least in his late twenties right now, and is lean for a daddy. Plus he had to whole Italian dark hair, dark eyes, olive skin thing going on. So, it's no wonder why their main customers were women. "Morning Frankie, could I perhaps get some of your freshest muffins and sweet breads? Luke and the boys are over-along with my boyfriend, so I want to treat them to something special." I smiled.

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