The Boyfriend ~ch 3.1~

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       "They should be around here somewhere." I said clutching Asher's hand. Luke called on the way, saying that he and the boys would met us at a Burger King near there terminal. However, he didn't mention the Burger King they were at, was also part of a food court. People were everywhere and I had to somehow navigate us to them without getting lost or groped. Luckily though, no one dared to touch me while Asher's on guard. The deadly expression from the brothel appears to resurfaced for the airport, and no one cared to test it out.  I let out an exasperated growl circling the court for the fifth time. Asher smirked slightly, causing me to whack him playfully. "It's not funny." I snapped

   "Never said it was." He replied cocky. If he were any other man, I would knock some sense into him, but the gleam was back and it once more caught my admiration. Asher could probably commit murder and I wouldn't care, as long as that gleam was there. Therefore, instead of putting the fear of god into him, I dragged him around for another lap. This one was quicker than the last. So much so that the neon lights of the restaurants began to blur. It was like what an LSD user would experience in a bad trip. It was strangely exhilarating. Finally, we stopped the world twirling around us. To Asher, this experience probably was just another girl's crazy idea, but me, it was life. A blur.

      The feeling of falling overcame me as our surroundings settled in. Barely did I recognize me truly falling until one of Asher warm arms scooped me up. He pulled me close even that I could peer into his eyes. For a second all his anger and hatred washed away into complete content as he held me. Needless to say contentment made him handsomer. Which made me wonder how much handsomer he could get if he smiled. "Quick question, you're cousins wouldn't happen to be African-American would they?" Asher asked randomly.

     "Um yeah, how do you know?"

Asher pointed behind me. There, eating his fourth burger while two kids bounced around, was Luke. My heart started to ache with happiness and loneliness. Oh, how I missed my dork of a brother, and he hasn't appear to change at all. In fact he still had that dorky  expression on his, from high school. Thank god, I haven't any of those genes. "You look exactly like him." Asher mentioned, "Are you twins?"

   This time I nearly did whack some sense into him. How could he assume us to be twins? how could he even suggest that I look identical to that dork? Just because Luke has the same blue eyes, pale skin and dark hair as me, doesn't mean we look like each other. "Say that again and I'll whack you." I threatened quietly as we made our way to them.

     "You do." He insisted.

     I went to whack him, when Bubba and Jared tackled me in a hug. "Stephanie!!!" they cried nearly pulling me down.

  Desperately, I grasped on to Asher for support as the two short stops dragged me down. Now if they were identical. Bubba literally mirrored Jared with his short frizzy black hair and dark eyes. He had the same high rise cheekbones as his brother too. And they both owned smooth dark skin that came from their African-American father and half Mexican mom. In conclusion they were the cutest little buggers a person ever saw. "Luke," I gasped still holding on to poor Asher, "A little help here?"

      Luke laughs at me, his blue eyes glittering with mockery. Oh wait until I send them back to him, I'm going to rile them up so bad, they will knock him down. "Okay  boys, it's nice to see you to-but it would also be nice if I didn't crack something in half this visit." I said messing up their hair.

     My brother rolls his eyes as if that last broken Femur was something to complain about. Thankfully though, he's a good enough brother to pry the little silly gooses off me. And Asher's expression the whole time Luke does this, is priceless. It left the impression that all the kids before where sophisticated little bastards with no play in them. Then again at ten thousand a year, there's no question they were. "Come on bubby, cousin Stephanie is under the belief that she's going to bruise her femur again." Luke mocked pulling Bubba off.

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