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"This way!" Dee called back to the group with a wave of torchlight. The rogue's leather boots fell softly on the rocky cave floor as he moved on, followed by three bodies illuminated by their own torches.

Dee followed the stone passages fluidly despite never being in this cavern before. He heard tales from the loose tongues of dragons of a treasure and had been searching for it ever since.

But this treasure held items of even greater importance, especially after taking on the mission to rescue the Prince of Geminae. Items that may be able to dissolve the power of the Dragon Witch herself.

That's all he told the party in the tavern before he was asked to join them on their quest.

Dee paused a moment and glanced back at the others, unsure if he really wanted them to follow him or not. He knew they had no reason to suspect anything suspicious from what he let them know. He took pride in keeping his intentions close to his chest, but the weight of knawing suspicion didn't loosen.

Patton's eyes darted from shadow to shadow in silent prayer that there were no creatures hiding within them with eight legs and eyes.

Dee felt a twinge of guilt remembering Patton's words of worry that landed on him before they entered the cavern. The rancid taste in his mouth remained long after he lied to give some ease in continuing their quest.

Dee shook the notion of guilt from his shoulders. Weakness was not an option for this mission.

Virgil's suspicious gaze caught Dee's. Virgil bit anxiously at the tip of his thumb before dropping his hand to his scabbard as he noticed Dee's prowling interest in the ranger.

All possible threats from Virgil were accounted for as nothing but a hermit taking over precaution. Paranoia. The issue of trust felt more like a game anyway.

Logan took the back as he admired the craftsmanship from both the dragons and earth itself. Lifting the torch to the walls and ceilings marveling at each indent and cut of the stone.

Dee mused in the small group for another second before continuing. They only recently met but it seemed like he knew them. Perhaps more than they realized.

Golden rays bounced off the treasure onto the walls in the hall before even rounding the corner. They shielded their eyes as they stumbled into the room.

Dee brought his hand away as his eyes adjusted to the light. A wide smile crept across his features upon gazing at the piles glittering crystals, gems, golden coins, and other treasures. A couple of bronze dragon statues crept along the wall guarding over the hoard, both remaining cold and inanimate as the adventurers came into view.

An unspoken wish came to mind that through the bronze wardens, the Dragon Witch was watching. Dreading the events to conspire. Although the secrecy of their achievement was of great value.

The Witch's personal stash. They found it. He found it.

A moment of pride seeped through, then a jealous squeeze seeing the visual notion of power and prestige that could be found within both kingdoms. The only difference being this belonged to the Dragon, not mortals.

They could very well take from it without being noticed.

Dee moved forward disregarding the possible threat of magical wards before a hand gently tugged on his sleeve stopping him in his tracks. Dee snapped back and found Patton's wide eyes looking back at him like a father concerned for his child.

He didn't need to dig deeper to find the meaning behind the action, the druid wore his emotions on his sleeve. Dee gave a charmed smile and followed his charismatic nature. He took Patton's hand and tenderly clasped it over his own, stepping back closely in front of Patton to where their noses nearly touched.

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