Chapter 2

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Roman stared at the confident, humble man that only moments ago was a frightened falcon. Questions billowed up inside only to slip through his fingers as he tried to form his thoughts. There was too much to take in.

The moment he decided to stay someone came to take him away? That's not how this works! He should be working for his goals, not letting others do it for him. How was he to prove he could be a good ruler and servant to his people if he can't do things for himself?

But then again, how was he supposed to be in charge of a kingdom if he was in a remote forest where he couldn't escape?

Roman gazed up at the jolly man whose freckles insinuated his bubbly smile and his heart fluttered. Insisting this was relief that he finally had human contact, he was thankful that someone purposely came to find and rescue him. And a handsome druid at that. The doubts that no one cared about him slipped away, or at least would be buried for the time being.

He should go with him, at least until they made it out of the forest, then he could find his way back alone to prove that he was capable of being a strong leader.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

Roman's attention blinked back to the druid whose presence was replaced with a small blue-gray cat with gold spotting in the shape of a shield. Roman chuckled and brought his hand over his mouth. His face grew redder with embarrassment for getting caught up in his thoughts. He cooled himself and silently thanked the druid for breaking the tension.

Patton turned back to his original form under the same cloak of light. "Are you alright meow?"

Roman nodded. His smile was still hidden under his hand after regaining composure. "I'm...pawsitive." Roman let his muscles ease, slouching slightly.

Patton's smile grew wider. "Our dragon friend is safely asleep with dreamleaf powder, they won't wake up until we're gone."

"How are we going to get out?" Roman raised an eyebrow curiously. He unconsciously inched closer to Patton.

"Logan thought ahead. He made a potion that will allow you to fly for a short time. He said the effects will wear off before we reach the camp, though. We need to head straight there."

Roman's shoulder grazed Patton's before the prince pulled back an inch. His cheeks heated. "We'll see," Roman teased and winked at the druid, with an attempt at confidence.

Patton paused after his streaming sentence, seemingly evading Roman's last statement. "You probably have no idea who I'm talking about, do you?" He apologized before Roman had a chance to say anything. He walked a bit away from Roman and began digging through his bag, his cheeks took on a soft pink color.

The druid's jolly expression had been lifted in smile since they first met. How much of it was faked to trick Roman with security, Roman didn't want to know. He wanted to believe that they would be fine. But the timing of the druid's arrival stirred the insecurity in his gut.

In fact, even with Patton's smile dimmed in focus on searching through his coin bag for the potion, the churning became warmer when he looked into the druid's mesmerizing, constant smile. His embarrassment melted, replaced with a sense of relief and an aching feeling of disappointment knawing at his chest as he gathered his knife and own coin pouch.

Then Patton's smile faded. His wide eyes weighted by worry fixed on Roman. "I forgot it," he muttered.

"What?" Roman stopped. The question spat out more harshly than intended.

"I must have set it down in camp before I left."

"So now we're both trapped in here?" Roman breathed. And they were both in danger. But Patton would pay more heavily. He shrank at the thought. This was the Duke's fault. This was his fault.

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