"Short stories" (Medic x Reader x Heavy)

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Art by infamouslydorky.


"Liebling, come back to me, bitte!"


"(y/n) is just one small shot."


"Ich promise you won't feel anyzhing."

"I said no!"

Routine visits to the Medic office weren't your favorite day of the month.

"(y/n), come back here!"

Although you were lower than him, Medic couldn't catch you. Your short legs developed a speed that the old Doctor could only dream about.

You looked back.

Medic was all red and sweaty. His black curl glued to his forehead. Dark patches could be seen on the shirt. Tiredness and anger were visible on his face.

If it weren't for the fact that you were being chased, his expression would make you laugh.

He looked like a bull that someone swiped a red rag in front of his face.

You almost felt a little pity for him.

"It's time to finish it." (y/n) thought.

You slowly lost your strength.

Medic was getting closer.

You had to hide somewhere.

Cupboard? No.

Clipboard under the stairs? You can't fit there.

Cartons in the garage? Engi probably threw them out.

Your room? Yes!

You'll hide under the bed!

Your plan was perfect.


It didn't predict the person standing in your way.

You hit the man who just came out of the corner with quite a big momentum.

He didn't even flinch

"Good to see you Heavy. Ich was just going to get you." Medic said puffing. "Hold her for me, bitte."

"Da, Doctor."


Nothing could save you now.


It was late evening.

Medic tired came into the Heavy's bedroom.

After a day of wiggling with the seven other mercenaries (and you), he dreamed of going to bed and fall asleep.

Doesn't worry about anything.

Even the huge paper work that awaited him tomorrow.

Immediately after entering he fell on the bed.

Nothing could stop him.

"Tired Doctor?" Heavy asked without looking up from the book.

Medic lazily turned his head towards him.

"You don't even know how, bär."

Then he saw her little form.

She was wrapped in a blanket and cuddled in the Heavy.

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