"The last battle of Team Fortress" (Scout x Reader)

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In this story, many of the main characters die. If you don't like depressing stories, don't read it.

You have been warned.

Also thank you for 2.3 k readings.

If you have any requests, write in the comments and maybe I'll do some of them. Art by Kredous.

Everything started and ended in one moment. First, the communication from the speakers and it’s unclear message.
-... this is your end.
-End of what? It can't be!
-Bloody hell!
-Fuck! Now what? What's goin’ to happen to us?
-Everybody, calm down. I'm sure there's a way to explain it...
Engineer didn't finish his sentence when suddenly his head exploded.
(y/n) saw his body fall to the ground with a thump. Now it's over.
-Ladie and gentlemen. Spy said taking a revolver in his hand. -Now zhe real battle ‘as begun...
Shots fired in the distance interrupted his speech. Everyone ran in the direction of respawn to take guns.
To fight till the end. Maybe even to get out of this hell. You were just reloading your pistol when Spy ran into the respawn. The wound in his leg looked deep. Blood has already soaked through the material. Medic ran right up to him.
-I saw zhem. Zhey are well trained and equipped. We ‘ave two options…
-Yeah, sure. We're all goin’ to die anyway.
Everyone looked at Scout in such a way that he immediately became silent.
-Can I continue? Great.
With Sniper's help, Spy got up and leaned on his arm.
-We can fight until zhey or we run out of people and ammunition.
Everyone looked at each other.
-Zhe second option is to get to zhe other end of zhe base to zhe abandoned mines. Engineer...
Here he looked at Pyro hugging (y/n). They looked heartbroken. The world of a small firebug was no longer a rainbow, joyful land. On the other side of the room he saw Soldier standing facing the wall. This would explain the lack of screams for a long time. The veteran clung tightly to the rocket launcher that the Engineer constructed for him, mumbling under his nose. Maybe he didn't understand everything that was going on around him, but he knew perfectly well that he had lost something very important, forever.
-...repaired one elevator zhat we can get zhrough to a quite safe place.
-So what are we waiting for?
-Let's go!
-Hold on, mate. Sniper said. -Some of us have to stay to cover the rest, which will back out to the exit. Otherwise these assholes will shoot us like ducks.
-Oui. It's a good move mon ami, but we ‘ave to ‘urry. I ‘ear zhey found us.
You could hear the voices raised from the outside. Time was running out.
-I’ll stay!
Everybody's heads turned towards Soldier.
-You're sure...
-Yes maggot! If I had let my team die and I survived, I couldn't have called myself Soldier any more!
-Hudda Hu!
-Pyro you too? (y/n) asked while looking at they with fear in her eyes.
-What if... if you die?
-Huh! Hudda Hunnn HUD! Huddda Hun Hun Hun.
She smiled.
-I know you're adult Py.
She hugged him.
-Are you coming or not? We have a whole series of enemies to burn! Soldier screamed as he walked towards the exit.
-Please be careful. (y/n) said goodbye to her friend.
-I promise you we will avenge him. Soldier patted Pyro on their shoulder. Pyromaniac nodded their head and they both ran towards their last battle, turning everything into a hell of explosions and flames. You were looking behind them with little hope of seeing each other again. It even seemed funny to you. You didn't know if you'd live to see the end of the day. The future was supposed to show everything.
-Are you sure you'll be able to walk in this state? Sniper said while dragging Spy with him.
-Non and zhat's why I told you, imbecile, to leave me alone. Grimace of pain appeared on Spy's face.
-I would ‘ave found my own way to zhe elevator and prepared everyzhing.
-Yes, of course. You’d probably cure your shot leg on the way and slowly sip your red piss complaining that it took us so long to get there when we came.
-Oui, especially for you, I would ‘ave to wait zhe longest. You never miss an opportunity to show off your shooting skills like a child.
-Oi! Don't start again, or I'll leave you in a visible and uncovered place. I'll see what you do then, frog. Sniper growled.
-Pathetic. Spy was only pitifully nodding his head.
These two will never stop surprising you.
-Doctor will go with the others. Heavy will stay and make sure you get to the place safely.
-Zhat's not possible.
(y/n) looked over her shoulder.
-Ich would like to remind you zhat you aren’t indestructible. Vhat if you get hurt?
Heavy shaken his head with pity.
-Doctor worries too much. Heavy will be able to handle all this little man.
-Heavy, Ich...  Medic lowered his head.  -Vhat will Ich do if you die? He said clenching his fists.
-Vhy do Ich need freedom wizhout you? Ich won't be able to enjoy it... Definitely not wizhout you.
-Oh, Doctor…
Heavy put Sasha on the ground and approached his friend. Big hands gently embraced the figure of a German standing in front of him.
-If the Medic dies, Heavy will also have no one to live for.
Doctor slowly returned the hug.
-You ‘ave a mozher to take care of. Sisters you have to watch. You have a family zhat Ich lost a long time ago. Zhey need you.
-But I need my Doctor.
For the first time in your life you have seen Medic close to crying. It's a good thing they were tears of happiness. They didn't deserve such an end.
-Ja, Frau? Medic quickly wiped his eyes with his sleeve and fixed his glasses.
-Take Heavy and go. We'll meet you at the elevator.
-Little girl, you can't just...
-I can and I will. (y/n) said when she was checking the ammunition.
-Scout and Demo are with me. Nothing will happen to us. Spy and Sniper are probably halfway there by now. Join them. You looked at them with determination.
-As you wish, (y/n).
Medic checked his Medigun for the last time. Heavy took a large supply of Sasha's bullets. They were ready for anything. When they were leaving, you heard his voice.
-See you later.
As soon as they left, you turned to Demo.
-What is our situation look like?
-Ay still have enough ammo to get to the elevator. I'm afraid, however, that we'll need them in the mine in case to close the exit.
-Do you think they will follow us?
This meant that Demoman would have to make sure that all of the survivors got to the safe zone.
(y/n) thought carefully.
-Demo, I can't let you be in danger.
-Ye have no choice, lassie.
You couldn't lose another friend.
-Do you have any bombs in your arsenal that would explode after a limited time?
Demoman quickly looked at his equipment.
-Maybe so. But what if they pass before we get out?
-We have to take a risk. (y/n) said forcefully. -That's why you're going ahead. Me and Scout will pick up the others on the way.
Demo nodded his head and ran out of the respawn with a battle cry. We had to hurry.
-All right, Scout, now we have to...
Nobody was there.
-Scout? Scout! Where this kid go? Doesn't he understand the danger we're in?
You didn't have time to think.
You'll find him on his way to your destination.
"Once we're safe, I'll tell him what I think of his heroism.’’ (y/n) thought.
You met the first two opponents just after you left respawn. They weren't even a challenge. You met another three on your way to the mine. Each of them had a black balaclava on his face, with holes only for eyes. They looked dead ahead, not concentrating on any particular point. Who sent them? Why would they kill us? Could it be that the Adminstrator finally got bored with this war as well? Even if it was true, why not just end the contracts. Probably everyone would accept it with peace and just leave the company looking for a new job.
(y/n) noticed a figure running behind her at the angle of her eye. She was wearing a purple dress.
-Miss Pauling, what's going on...?
The shot interrupted your speech.
-(y/n), run! She’s with them! Sniper screamed while standing on top of the building behind your destination. Before your brain could understand what was going on around you, Miss Pauling fired two shots at you. She missed. You fired three shots at her and heard Sniper fire another one. Suddenly you could hear a boom. The force of the explosion knocked you back quite a long way, right under the entrance. When you opened your eyes, you saw a figure standing over you. Smiling at you.
-Ye have to be more careful in the future.
Demo gave you a hand.
-Thanks for saving. I thought you wouldn't show up anymore.
-Ye know me, lassie. I always come when it's time to blow something up.
Despite the pain that was slowly spreading on your back, you smiled at him. The two of you saw Sniper come out of the corner.
-Are you okay,(y/n)?
-Thanks to Demo's help, I think so. What is our situation?
Both of them immediately became serious.
-Spook’s already at the elevator with Medic and Heavy. I haven't seen Scout, Pyro or Soldier anywhere. Sniper said slowly heading for the mine.
-Ay haven't seen Pyro or Soldier, but Ay know that Scout’s still alive. He was runnin’ towards the main building.
-I'm going to get him.
Sniper and Demoman looked at you as if you were saying the stupidest thing in the world.
-(y/n), you can't...
-Are ye crazy?
-None of you can stop me. You said with your back to them.
-I have to go back for him if he's still alive.
Demo and Sniper looked at each other. You sighed.
-If I'm not back in half an hour, you'll blow up the entrance, but first transport everyone outside. Don't wait for me.
You were about to go when the big hand grabbed you by the shoulder.
You turned around. Demo slowly, as if he was thinking, pulled out a small detonator in your direction.
-When ye get with Scout to the place, ye’ll blow up the passage behind ye.
-But what about you...
-Don't worry. Ay and everyone else ’ll be waiting for ye a long time ago up there.
-Are you sure...
-Yes. Go on. They're still here.
You nodded your head and as soon as you ran in the opposite direction.
-Good luck sheila.
You were running in the direction from where the explosions and screams were getting louder and louder. There were many more enemies here. However, they weren’t able to stop you. Each of them ended up with a bullet in the head. Or in the chest. The ammunition was running low. If you don't find Scout soon, or if you don't find a supply, you'll be in a lost position. The main building was almost half destroyed. Grushes, cables and metal debris were collapsing everywhere. Among them there was danger. Scout must have been here somewhere. Suddenly you saw him. Huddled together under the shattered stairs. Surrounded by these guys from nowhere. Your heart froze for a moment when you saw one of them putting a gun to his head. You had no time to lose. Not thinking much, you started shooting at the closest ones, killing them. The other two only managed to shoot a few shots in your direction. They weren’t lucky. The one who held the gun to Scout's head only managed to turn around.  You shot him in the throat. He made a couple of rumbling noises and then fell to the ground suffocating on his own blood.
-Scout, what's wrong with you? You shouted at him, feeling a growing anger. -Do you want to get yourself killed like a pig? Without any fight.
You approached him and pulled his hand. He didn’t give you any resistance.
-It doesn't make any sense. He said slowly.
If it weren't for the fact that you could have died at any moment, you would have murdered him.
-What do you mean, it doesn't make sense?! The fact that we want to survive, the fact that we fight for it?!
He didn't say anything.
-Answer me.
Seeing that it didn't lead to anything, you took him with you. At least he walked obediently. You looked at him. The boy who this morning was full of life and enthusiasm, now looked like a walking corpse.
-You can die later, for now you come with me. You said not looking at him.
You couldn't force yourself to do it. 
-There she is! Fire without command!
When the first shot was fired, you pushed Scout ahead. Running towards the exit, you heard the bullets bouncing off the walls and metal barriers. When you were outside you felt a sharp pain in your right side. You instinctively put your hand to the painful place. When you lifted it up, you saw blood. A lot of blood.
-Goddammit! Scout, we have to run faster!
He didn't answer. He simply ran ahead of himself, ignoring what was happening around him. It was getting harder and harder for you to run because of the loss of blood. After a while, you stopped even feeling pain. You didn't even notice when you were inside the mine.
-Come on, the elevator should be at the end of the hall. You said as you headed for your exit.
Scout followed you quietly. For the first time in your life, you would prefer him to laugh and make fun of the whole situation as he used to. You smiled at yourself. It was for these reasons that he was so close to you. The pain in your right side was growing.
"It's a pity I never had the opportunity to tell you about it." You thought looking at your friend.
It's a good thing he had his head down. He didn't notice the delicate pink that appeared on your cheeks. You quickly drove that thought away from yourself. This isn't the time or place for such thoughts. Your enemies could have been right behind you. It's good that the rest is already safe. You really just wanted to lie down.... The sound of the explosion pulled you out of your mind. They are close. Fortunately, the elevator was in front of you. Broken.
-Fuck! How are we going to get out of here...
You saw a generator nearby and one cart that used to transport stone to the surface. A place for only one person. This means... 
He snapped at the sound of your voice.
-Listen to me carefully now. I'm going to start this cart and you're going to get out of here. The rest are waiting for you on top. Spy will explain everything to you. You said afterwards you started to switch the cables in the generator.
Just like Engineer taught you.
-What? You suddenly turned your head. -Scout, we don't have time for your whining, these guys are about to be here to kill us...
-I don't agree with you riskin’ your life for me. I... I don't have anythin’ to live for!
You looked at him shocked.
-You saw Miss Pauling! You saw what she did, what she told those guys to do!
Tears were running down his cheeks when he said that. His hands clenched in fists.
-I saw how... how she killed Pyro.
You bit your lip. So they didn't survive...
-She killed him with full indifference. He was wounded and I... I couldn't do anythin’, (y/n)! I shouted to her...
Scout hid face in his hands.
-I shouted that she'd stop. What's wrong with her? But she said I’m pathetic. She didn't have time to waste her bullets on me...
He looked into your eyes.
-She hates me, (y/n). Everyone hates me so why do you have to do this... Sacrifice yourself for me.
The generator started to warm up slowly. Small success. You got up and approached him. Scout hid himself waiting for the punch. Instead of a fist, he felt hands grabbing his shirt and pulling him to another person. 
-You know you're an idiot?
-(y/n), what...?
His talk interrupted your lips, which joined with his. His surprise disappeared instantly and was replaced by passion. You felt that he had returned the kiss. It's time. With one strong push, you threw him into the cart and pushed the button. Before he left, you managed to say the last words you always wanted to say...
-Remember Jeremy. I love you. Nothing will change that.
-(y/n)? (y/n)!
Before he could say anything, the metal door slammed in front of his nose. Scout felt he was holding something in his hand. Something he didn't even notice when you gave it to him. Your gun. With your initials on it. One last souvenir. Loud scream tore apart the silence that had been in the mine for decades. Cry of pain and despair.

(y/n) slowly fell to the ground. She was losing more and more blood. Too much. The cart won't be coming back for her for sure. The generator burned down. There is no way out of here. The world was spinning around and the ground was becoming more and more comfortable.
"Death can't be so bad, can it?" You thought. At least the people you care about are still alive and safe. They broke out of the claws of the old woman. Silent steps interrupted your peaceful rest. From the dark corridor a figure emerged that you never wanted to see again.
-Oh, Miss Pauling. What a surprise. Are you lost?
-Shut up, (y/n).
You've seen more and more blurred surroundings. You saw a gun pointed at you.
-Where are they?
-Outside your reach. You won't get them. Now leave me alone. I'm resting. You said turning your head the other way.
Miss Pauling looked at you with pity.
-If you think it's over, I have to destroy your dreams.
She turned to the group of men behind her.
-We take her alive. Let the medical team take care of it. Then we will interrogate her.
Laughter interrupted her speech.
-Miss Pauling...
You got up with your last strength and leaned against the wall.
-I see four men who don't want us to go anywhere.
-What are you talking about? What four...
That's when the charges on the wall started to beep.
-Thanks, Demo.
You pressed the detonator.
The sound of the explosions spread over the desert.

The end.

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