Yandere story. (Heavy x Reader)

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I know it's almost Christmas, but this story took me a lot longer than I had planned because of my studies. Thanks for the 5k readings. You are awesome guys!

Warning: Yandere, Violence, Drugs, Gore

I hope you like it anyway.

Merasmus cursed by casting an old, torn book with witchcraft spells.

-These goddamn mercenaries have ruined my plans again!

A few glass bottles of colored liquids fell to the ground and crashed. Colorful smoke started flying from puddles.

- Another Halloween and another defeat!

The magical energy that came out of the wizard caused all the objects around to float in the air.

-For more than 3,000 years, no one has humiliated the GREAT MERASMUS like this! This bunch of freaks and this girl really upset me this time!

Suddenly everything fell to the ground with a bang. A cruel plan came to the head of an old wizard.

-If I can't defeat them during my holiday, I will do it for the rest of the year!

Merasmus directed his steps towards the laboratory which was located in one of the towers of the old castle in which he now lived. This time he made sure that no raccoons or his old roommate would destroy his "beautiful apartment". In the middle of a dark room stood a huge black boiler, smoking with green smoke. On shelves and cupboards, which occupied practically the entire area, piles of books and parchments piled up, as well as many rows of various jars and bottles of various colors and ingredients.

-Now, where is it?

As he searched the shelves, finally came across the book he needed. It was already covered in dust and the moths ate a few pages. The black cover almost completely broke up and the title was barely visible. The pages were written in a language he hadn't used for so long, so it took him a while to find what he was looking for.

-There you are! Let's see....

On the old, wrinkled, dried face appeared an expression of concentration.

-The bat's eye, the rat's liver... it won't be a problem. The heart of the drowned man... Hmmm... there should be one here somewhere... raven's blood, black rose petals and...the hair of the person you want to curse.

The last one might have been a problem. Unless...

Merasmus looked at his old coat. One of its edges was burnt, the bullet holes accounted for 3/4 of the whole surface. The only thing it was suitable for, is washing the floor. With the corner of his eye he saw three bright lines. Terrible grin appeared on his face. He gently lifted them up to take a closer look. Two of them were blonde. The difference was that one was very soft and the other very sharp.

The last one was (your color). Everything went better than planned.

After adding all the ingredients, there was a black, mud-like mixture in the boiler. The only thing left to do was to add hair. Actually, three hairs.

-This time these fools will know what the GREAT MERASMUS is capable of!

After the last ingredient was thrown in, black smoke started to appear, which turned red. The elixir, in turn, took on the color of a furious pink.

-Very good.

Merasmus took on pink liquid in three tubes. His crystal ball began to glow green. From the green mist a picture of a RED base in the desert emerged. A group of people could be seen through the window. After a while he heard a loud laughter.

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