First steps

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"The hell am I here with you!? And where even is here!?" Y/N yells at Kirito as Eugeo gains a sweat drop on his forehead and nervously smiles.

"Your really not from here are you?" Eugeo says innocently.

"No. In fact, I can't even remember how I got here." Kirito says. Y/N continues to rant as he kicks up dirt saying, "My life was perfect-!", or " WAIT, DID I LEAVE THE OVEN ON!?" 

"Y/N! Calm down!" Kirito yells.

"How can I be calm!? I'm in a separate world away from those who I actually care about! No offense." Y/N motions to Eugeo.

"Umm..." Eugeo says extremely confused.

"Worse of all, I'm stuck here with the black haired emo who "killed" my family, and I'm still working out how their all still alive somehow!" Y/N says as he collapses underneath the shadow of the tree with a deep sigh.

"Honestly, I feel the same way Y/N. I don't want to be away from my family and those I deeply care about." Kirito says as he sits down next to Y/N.

"Your family is someone you deeply care about you moron!" Y/N deadpans at Kirito.

"Oh...hehe your right..." Kirito says scratching his cheek.

"So getting off the topic of incest with your no longer thicc sister..." Y/N says sitting up.

"WAIT, WHA-!?" Kirito exclaims while blushing a bit.

"Where exactly are we?" Y/N motions to the area around him.

Kirito ignores the previous comment and also looks around as he holds his head.

"I-I feel like I've been here before..." Kirito says.

"Huh? I've never seen you before." Eugeo says catching Y/N's attention.

"You live here kid?" Y/N asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Um...kid? Aren't you my age?" Eugeo says sitting down next to Kirito.

"Despite the appearance, I'm about nineteen years old pal." Y/N says as he grins at Eugeo.

"Oh! Cool! But yes, I do live here in a nearby village." Eugeo says as he points in a certain direction. 

"A village huh? Jeez what year are we in for people to call their town's villages?" Y/N mumbles as he looks at the axe Eugeo is holding then looks at the huge tree they are under.

"Hey Eugeo." Y/N asks standing up.

"Huh what?" Eugeo says snapping out of his thoughts.

"Are you trying to cut down this humongous tree with that ax?" Y/N says interested. 

"Uh yeah. Its my calling to cut down this tree so my village can prosper again." Eugeo says as he remembers his job. Y/N sees the tree and then he sees the small cut into the trees base. Walking over to the cut, Y/N runs his finger through the wood.

"How much progress have you made?" Y/N asks as Kirito stands up and begins to observe as well. 

"Well...I began to cut the tree when I was little so...about six years or eight?" Eugeo says with a nervous laugh.

"WHAT!?" Y/N yells astonished. 

"No way..." Kirito mumbles as he looks at the tree.

"Well the trees name is the "Demon Tree" so it makes sense I guess?" Eugeo says as he shoulders the ax.

"What ax are you using to cut it? Its all white." Y/N observes as he eyes the ax.

"Oh its an ax made from dragon bone! The villagers said that it was the only thing that could cut into the tree since a normal ax couldn't. But it is my break so, I'm gonna eat." Eugeo says as he sits down on the grass and pulling out his pack eats what looks like bread. Kirito also starts to eat the bread but grimaces at how tough the bread actually is. Then Eugeo tells Kirito and Y/N about system control and what their stats are. Kirito draws an "S" on his hand and suddenly stats pop up in front of him. Y/N draws an S on his hand as well and his stats come up. He has his own HP or hit-points and his own carrying capacity. Y/N tests his carrying capacity by picking up the ax and watches as the carrying capacity goes from zero to seventy eight. Walking over to the tree, Y/N observes the ax and then the tree.

"All this work in about eight years and hardly any progress. How tough is this tree?" Y/N says as he makes his stats disappear and grabs the ax with both his hands. Eugeo and Kirito both stop eating as they see Y/N raise the ax and breath outwards. Closing his eyes, Y/N feels energy flooding into him as suddenly the ax is lit on fire with black flame. Eugeo and Kirito's eyes widen as they quickly stand up and watch as Y/N channels his energy. Suddenly Y/N opens his eyes and swings the ax downward. The ax made a whistling sound as it flew downward and connected perfectly with the cut in the tree. The ax shook in Y/N's hand as he gritted his teeth and held the ax in the same spot...until the ax rebounded off the wood and pushed Y/N backwards with a push of force. 

"W-Whoa!" Y/N calls out as he lands on the ground and looks at the tree.

"You okay?" Kirito says holding out his hand to assist Y/N.

"Yeah...just fine. Damn, I didn't even make a scratch!" Y/N says as he gets up on his own completely ignoring Kirito's request to help him.

"Yes. I'm afraid that just hitting the tree with brute strength won't exactly cut it down. See?" Eugeo says as he draws an S on the tree. The tree's stats appear and Y/N's along with Kirito's eyes widen. Its hp was over ten thousand easily and thinking about it, Y/N wonders if he even made a scratch of damage to it. 

"Well I have to work a little bit more before I can go back so can you two wait for me while I finish?" Eugeo asks nicely. 

"Sure." Y/N says as he sits down and looks up at the sky while his mind races about this new world he is in.

"This reminds me of SAO." Kirito says as he sits next to Y/N.

"Except the concept of the world and the AI is way too realistic. Its like we actually stepped into a real world." Y/N points out earning a nod from Kirito.

"Yeah but the strange thing is, I've felt like I've been here before." Kirito says.

"Hm? You've been here before?" Y/N says interested.

"I'm not entirely sure yet. But I get memory flashes in my mind and I'm not sure of what to make of it." Kirito says clenching his fist.

"Listen, Kirito. As a man whose had his memory erased for nearly eleven years, I can tell you this. Eventually..." Y/N trails off as the wind blows through his hair and gives him a calming feeling.

"Everything will come back." Y/N says. Kirito smiles with a nod as the time passes and Eugeo takes a breath and leans on the ax. 

"Alright. Let's head back to my village. Maybe we can get some info on who you guys are!" Eugeo declares. Y/N and Kirito stand up and Kirito follows Eugeo as he begins to walk away. Y/N stops as he looks up at the big tree than up at the orange lit sky.

"Hang in there Sinon. I will come home." Y/N says.

"Hey Y/N! Come on!" Kirito calls out getting Y/N's attention. 

"Yeah! Coming!" Y/N yells back as he runs after the two boys with a grin. This would just be the first steps in the adventure yet to come. 

(Hey guys sorry this took so long. Lots of stuff happening in my life. Oh well! I hope you enjoyed and know this, another chapter will come soon! See ya later! Oh and comment below if you feel like it! Lonewolf out!)

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