Chapter Five: The Wing-Beasts Need To Eat Too

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• Gamzee's POV •

"Motherfuck.." I muttered as I sat in a tree. But it wasn't just any tree; it was one of the great, giant oaks in the forest near Pisco's hive! But, just so you know, I was in one of the lower branches. Hey, climbing to the top of a tree is dangerous, and even I, of all beings, know that!

That Pisco chick.... Damn.

That was the only word I could use to describe her.

Pretty violet eyes, thick black hair, large breasts, a nice ass and luscious curves.

You'd say the same if you saw her for yourself.

I tried to ignore the burning feeling in my lower stomach is I thought about running my hands over her soft skin...

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. These were not the feelings of a killer with mass-destruction tendencies! I should be thinking about something a bit more crueler.... Like smashing a mutants skull in. Yeah.


Leaves crackled under my feet as I treaded on the forest floor. Fresh blood shone on my clothes, enlightened by the light of one of the moons in the dark, starry night sky.

The only thing running through my cruel mind was the evil, twisted fantasies of murder. Due to my lack of sleep, my eyes burned. Each time I blinked it felt like a hot flash, but on the inside of my eyelids.

Since I didn't have a hive, I headed towards the abandoned one deep in the woods; that's where I usually spend my nights.

"Who's th-there?" A voice asked, her voice shaking.

I'd been so deep in my own dark thoughts that I hadn't noticed the footsteps of the troll nearby.

"Who's there?!" She repeated.

I stepped into the open, where he could see me with his own eyes.

"Only your worst nightmare, motherfucker," I replied, grinning a toothy smile so that all my sharp teeth showed.

"Oh no, i-it's you!" She stammered.

"Honk." I said, quietly. Then, louder this time, I repeated myself, "HONK!"

The troll let out a scream and started to run away into the trees, her black hair streaming behind her.

"Come back here, motherfucker!" I laughed maniacally, giving chase.

Little by little, the distance between us shortened, until I was only an arm's length away from her.

I reached out a hand and grabbed the troll's hair, pulling her back to me.

"Do you know," I began, my hot breath on her ear. "That it's not very nice to run away?!"

She whimpered. "Please don't kill me! I'll do anything, I promise!"

I chuckled lightly. "I believe you're out of luck, sis."

I hit her upside the head with one of my clubs, making her fall to the forest floor. I got down on my knees and repeatedly hit her, bruises appearing on her face.

The only noises that filled the night were the chirping of chirp-beasts and the troll's constant pleading and howls of pain.

"Goodnight," I giggled, before hitting her temple.

Her skull caved in, and the bone pierced her brain, killing her.

I stood up, and walked away from her motionless, dead body.

'The wing-beasts need to eat too,' I thought to myself.

{}Yooooo, author here. I just wanted to tell you that the wing-beasts that Gam was refurring to are vultures. You know, the kind that eat corpses.{}

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