Sparks Fly

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The doors opened and a bright light blinded my eyes. I could tell it was a spotlight so I walked a couple steps through the doors and found myself in front of hundreds of people.  All eyes were on me and I could feel my stomach twisting and turning. All the nervousness I had been trying to shake for the last couple hours all came rushing in.

I heard the music from the orchestra start playing and I knew that was my cue to start walking down the stairs. I was hesitant to take the first step, but I knew the sooner I got down, the sooner this night would be over. It started getting easier for me to walk with confidence, but all the staring was throwing me off.

My mom had said that if I got too overwhelmed by all the eyes on me, that I should just focus on one person. Isolate that person and block everyone else out. But who? I skimmed through the room until my eyes locked onto someone. He was wearing a black tux and looked like he was one of the guardsman. Once my eyes met his, he smirked which made me smile in return.

My mom was right. This isn't so hard.  Unfortunately for me, I didn't realize I was at the bottom of the stairs. I just kept walking and then it got worse. I stumbled over my own foot.

Right when I was about to hit the floor, a hand caught me and pulled me back up. I was surprised to see that the guardsman that I had focused on was the one who caught me.

Now that I was face to face with him, I could see what he looked like in more detail. I could see his features and I knew I was staring way too long because I even noticed his freckles.

"Watch your step, Princess," he said with a wink. I didn't really know what to say. I've never been in a situation like this before.

"May I ask what your name is?"

"You may," he replied jokingly.

"Well...what's your name?"

"Bellamy. Bellamy Blake."

"Well, Bellamy Blake, thank you for helping me. I'd be lying on the floor like an idiot, dying of embarrassment, if it weren't for you."

"Anything for the Princess"

"Clarke. You can just call me Clarke. The whole Princess thing gets old."

"Clarke. I like that," he said and I just felt a spark of happiness fill my whole body. What was happening to me?

Just when things were getting good, someone had to come and interrupt my happy moment. A man with hair down to his shoulders came up and asked if I wanted to dance. He didn't look like the type to take no for an answer. Just before he dragged me off for my first dance, I felt a hand grasp my arm and I came to a stop. I turned and it was Bellamy.

"Save me a dance?" he asked, staring deep into my eyes.

"Of course," I replied and then I got pulled again by this stranger with long hair. I didn't have time to ask his name, but I really didn't care at the moment because I was just looking forward to that dance.


She's letting me call her by her first name? She thanked me? She smiled at me? She didn't act like the spoiled rich kid I thought she'd be. She was exactly how everyone said she'd be like, but better.

"Bellamy!" a voice shouted from across the room.

I turned to see that it was the head guardsman, Commander Shumway. He was walking towards me quite fast and seemed like he was in a rush. I nodded his way to show that I was ready for any orders he gave me. Once he reached me, he seemed out of breathe but didn't hesitate to speak.

"Bellamy, someone has came to me with a... proposition. It involves your sister," he said not taking his eyes off me.

"Uh. What's this proposition? And what does it have to do with my sister?" I was tensing up from all the frustration I was holding back. How was my sister involved in any of this?

"Now don't freak out," he said, warning me not to make a scene,"but some bad people have your sister locked away and won't tell me where. They said that you have to do what they say or else you won't see her again."

WHAT??? I knew I should've went looking for her right away. I let myself get distracted! If anything happens to her, it'll all be on me.

"What the hell do they need me to do?"

Shumway paused for a minute. I could tell this wouldn't be easy.

"You have to shoot the king."

"What?? Do you know what they'll do to me if I do that? I could get sent to prison for life! I could be executed!"

"Well that's what they said. If you want your sister to live, I suggest you do this quickly and..."

"Who's they? Who the hell are these people? And why did they need me to do this? Why couldn't it have been someone else?"

"I don't know, they just said for me to let you know."

"You still haven't told me who they are. Why do I have the feeling that they is really YOU?" I said nudging his shoulder back. I knew it was out of line, but I had the right to be. This was my sister!

"Watch it Bellamy. Don't go there."

There was a silence in the conversation. I was torn between wanting to save my sister and not wanting to go to jail for shooting the king. Why did these "bad people" need me to shoot the king? I knew I had to make a decision quickly or else it would be too late.

"I don't need to kill him right? Just a shot and I'm done?"

"Right. Then I can go back and tell them that you did your part and to let your sister go."

"Fine. But give me time. If I'm gunna do this, I need to make sure it's done secretly so no one knows it was me."

"That's fine. I'll be waiting at the front entrance when your done."


What did I just get myself into?

** What do you guys think? I wanted to bring in some other characters from the100 so I decided that Shumway was good enough. Plus I needed a little chaos cuz what's a good story without a little chaos, right? **

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