Going to the Ball

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I didn't want to have to go to this dumb dance but my sister, Octavia, wanted to experience her first ball and I just couldn't say no to her. Octavia was in her dress. It wasn't much but it was turquoise with a little sparkle and she made it look beautiful. I had to wear a black tux since I was working as one of the guards to assist the princess. I've never actually seen the princess in person but I heard she was beautiful and kind with blonde hair and blue eyes. She seemed like a pretty decent person, but tonight was not the night to flirt. I had to watch my sister. Nothing would distract me from her. I needed to keep her safe which meant my eyes had be locked on her at all times. Ok time to go. Let's get this night over with.

On the way there, Octavia had so many questions. It was hard to keep up with them all. She was talking extremely fast from all the excitement and it was hard to understand her sometimes. Finally, we got to the castle and I walked her up to the drawbridge. Suddenly, we came to a stop. I could see how nervous Octavia was.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Just a little nervous. Does this look fine?" she said.

"You look gorgeous," I told her while stroking her hair that fell in front of her face.

I took her hand and led her through the doors of the ballroom. Once we were in, our heads shot in different directions, looking from one place to another. The room was decorated beautifully and it took a while for me to take in. Wait, am I excited? I need to clear my head and focus! Ok. Wait! I looked at my right hand which was supposed to be holding on to Octavia's. She was gone! She must've snuck off when we first walked in. Dammit! Well looks like this is what my night will be. Chasing after my little sister.

Suddenly, I heard horns that sounded like they were introducing something... or maybe even someone. Everyone around me stopped and turned towards some stairs that had a red carpet down the center. At the top were a pair of tall, wooden doors. Then, the doors opened and...

** Let's see what happens, shall we?**

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