Our Dance

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After this stranger dragged me to the center of the room, he held my hand and grasped my waist, getting in position to start the dance. I couldn't even think straight. My mind still lingering on what Bellamy said. Save me a dance? Chills ran up and down my spine and I tried not to squirm.

I felt something when I thought of Bellamy. I don't exactly know what, but it felt good. A sudden rush of reality settled in and I realized I was still dancing with the stranger. I don't even know who he is but he had brown hair that reached his shoulders and wore a black suit with a greenish-blue tie. I hadn't spoken to him yet, so I figured I'd spark a conversation.

"So, what's your name?" I asked him.

"Finn," he replied with a cheesy smile.

"Well its very nice to meet you Finn," I shot him a faint smile.

"The pleasure is all mine, Princess."

Princess? I thought. When Bellamy called me Princess, it felt... good. I don't know why. His strong, stern voice calling me by this "nickname" somehow made me feel happy and sounded generally sweet. But when it came from Finn, it felt different. Like that wasn't his name to call me. What was coming over me?

Again, I forced myself back to reality and by that time, the song had finished and we bowed to one another. In the middle of the bow, I glanced up to look over everyone. I happened to see Bellamy leaning up against a table with a grin on his face. I noticed he was looking at me too, so my head jerked back down which probably just made me look like a complete idiot.

Everyone came back to there upright positions and started chatting with one another. Finn just looked at me with a smile planted on his face and then a girl called him over. I nodded to assure he could leave. Then, he was gone.

I didn't really know what to do now. I just started walking over to a table that had fruit and cracker and other little snacks. Everything looked so delicious but if I ate even one thing I was bound to explode out of this dress. It was so tight I could barely even move. I tried stretching a bit to loosen it up.

"Need some help there, Princess?" I heard a voice from behind me ask and the voice sounded very familiar. I smiled and turned to see a grinning Bellamy walking towards me.

"Help with what?"

"Loosening that dress of course, " he said raising his brows up and down while sending me a slight wink of an eye. I could see he liked to play games and flirt with the ladies. So I played along.

"Not out in the open like this. We'd have to be somewhere private," I said giggling to myself and standing a bit taller, trying to challenge him at his own game.

Bellamy smiled widely and took a step closer to me.

"Ya know, you're not the Princess I expected. I thought you'd be uptight and boring, but you seem quite... entertaining."

"How do I entertain you?"

"The real question is, How can you entertain me?" he smirked as though he'd won.

I took a step closer to him,"Well then, how can I entertain you?"

He took one last step forward and we were only inches away from each other now. I could tell just by the smug look on his face what he was about to say.

Suddenly, trumpets were blown and once again our little moment was interrupted. We both looked up and glanced back at each other. We smiled and then turned our attention to the balcony where the King and Queen (aka my parents) were standing.


Me and Clarke were staring up at the balcony where the King and Queen were standing. They were probably going to make some special announcements. I looked back at Clarke and I could see her blue eyes reflecting the chandelier above her. It made her eyes twinkle. They looked so beautiful. She was beautiful.

I looked back up and my eyes focused on the king and I knew it was time... Why did this night have to be so complicated? Why couldn't I have just came to this dumb ball and had a good time with Clarke? Dammit!

"Hey, I'll be right back. I need to go... to the bathroom," I said to Clarke so I could get away.

"Ok. I'll see you later. Remember, we still haven't had that dance!"she said.

"How could I ever forget that?" I shot a quick smirk her way and just barely caught the smile on her face before I turned around and walked off to my post. Something about that girl was just so... amazing!

** that's it for now. I'll write more later but I just needed to create some chemistry between Bellamy and Clarke before anything else can happen :) hope you enjoyed! I'll update again soon**

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