Chapter 29

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Tiffany P.O.V

I looked at Abigail and I saw she was speaking the truth and I felt bad because she had to witness what she saw in the bathroom

“Don’t worry sis he won’t get her” Ciren said

“I know I have to go” she  said and ran out of the room, I needed her here with me I know its selfish but I need her she my life and I can’t stay strong with her not with me. I felt tears threatening my eyes

“Don’t worry Tiffany she just doesn’t want you to see her angry she will be back as soon as she calms down” Claire said

“I don’t understand why is she upset?” I asked so confused

“She is truly in love with you and someone threatening her love ones is a huge no no so that gets her really angry so she has to let the steam go off and when she calms down she comes back.” Ciren said

“Oh” I said and laid back when I am out of here I will be the protector of her and not the other way she mine to protect and I am the only one who should be that way.

Abigail P.O.V

I just had to get out of there no one threatens anyone I love no one I mean it, I got in my car and drove to the one place where I can let off steam and I know people will try to fight me with it. I pulled up to the police training ring where we lift weights or fight one another kind of like the prep fighting us. I walked into the door and was welcomed by Chase good he always wanted a fight with me

“Chase you still want that fight?” I yelled

“Yea name your place” he said

“Right here right now” I yelled as I garid up he went to the mats and waited  for me to get finished, I put my music on and walked to the mats

“Tell someone pins?” he asked

“Always” I said the ref he blew his whistle Chase lunged I sidestep and my knee came in contact with his stomach, he groaned in pain and tied to swipe my feet out from me but I just did a flip, he got up and punched me once twice but I never winced because I let it happen the third time he tried  to punch me but I caught his fist and gripped it tight and twisted it and brought my foot to his chest and sent him flying backwards, he groaned in pain and I lunged and punched him once twice three times and he was out. James came up to me

“Remind me to not piss you off” he said

“Yea well he got what he deserved” I said

“True so what got you pissed off?” he asked

“Someone threatening to take my girlfriend away from me” I said

“Why?” he asked

“Because I “stole” her from him, but he doesn’t know we choose each other not just one way, and when he threaten her I just about lost it and I had to take it out one someone why not Chase he always wanting to fight me and now he has and lost.” I said

“Well if you need anything let me know and we will make sure this guy pays for it.” James said

“Thanks” I said as we arrived to my car

“You really love her don’t you” James asked

“More than anything I would take a bullet for her” I said

“Go be with your girl I bet she worried” he said and went to his car, I got in and started it up and drove back to the hospital, I pulled up and got out. I stopped by the gift shop and got her a teddy bear with a sign that says I love you on it and I walked to her room. I knocked on the door before I entered, when I walked in I saw she was asleep so I put the teddy bear in her arms and sat next to her, I crawled into bed and she snuggled into me

“I thought you never come back” she whispered

“I will always come back Taffy, I just needed to let my anger out so I wnet to a work out place” I said

“You where gone a long time” she said

“Yea I am sorry” I said and kissed her forehead, she sat up and looked at me

“What happen to your face?” she asked

“Oh where I wnet to work out I decided to fight the guy who been dying to fight me and now he got to and he lost.” I said  I reached over and grabbed the bear

“This is for you for when I can’t or am not here” I said

“I love it thank you” she said and kissed me. I kissed her but I didn’t let it get heated but I did let her give me a lot of hicky’s for she can show her love

“You are the best” she said

“Only because I am with you” I said

“We still have to come up with names for the babies I mean last names of crouse” she said

“How about Apple?” I asked

“Why?” she asked

“Well your last name is Appleheart and my favorite food is apple so Apple for last name, I also thought of that for when and if we get married we get called Apple” I said and blushed, she laid into my arms and wrapped her arms around me

“Sounds perfect like you” she whispered and fell asleep, I was just looking at her when she was sleeping she just so perfect. Should I let her go? And let her be with someone else who better than me? I asked myself. Just then my phone vibrated I pulled it out of my sweat pants and saw it was from an unknown number

It said

Abigail I will come and eliminate you from the picture one way or another. You lost your chance when you took her from me, I almost had her and now you do. Tiffany will be mine no matter what if you’re dead or alive Tiffany will be mine forever


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