Chapter 23

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Tiffany P.O.V

I looked at him was shocked that he is here

“I am here to deliver the paper work” he said and took out the papers when Brownie came running in and standing in front of me in protection mode

“Brownie down” I heard Abigail yell and came and put the leash on Brownie

“Abigail what are you doing here? And why weren’t you in school? what happen to your face?” he asked

“I am returning my K9 dog to its owner and Brownie don’t like strangers and I wasn’t in school because I was gone on a mission and I got cut taking down the bad guy” she lied

“Ah well I am glad you didn’t get hurt, and Tiffany I didn’t know you had a dog” he said

“Well I recently got one Abigail just returned her” I said and petted Brownie

“Ah ok well fill out those and bring them to me once you done” he said that and left, I slowly closed the door and turned around and I found no sign of Abigail. I went to the kitchen and I saw a nice dinner laid out but then I saw a note


He is suspious we have to be careful so I left out door  and I took Brownie I am not coming back here the only time you can see me is when your with my mom and brother. I am NOT going to jeopardize your job I promise. I had a romantic night plan but I guess it back fired sorry and I do mean I will be there as much as possible to help you with the babies

That all that it said I stood shocked she really was the best person I could call my girlfriend. She didn’t think about herself she was thinking of me without hurting me. So I packed everything up and I locked the doors and I walked out to her house and I knocked and Clare was there and answered the door

“Hi Tiffany what are you doing here?” she asked

“Can I come in” I asked because I could feel eyes watching me, she let me in and shut the door

“Is Abigail here?”  I asked

“Yes up in her room she seemed upset” she replied

“Yea well Jack stopped by and Brownie went to attack and Abigail had to get her and we lied and he is suspious apparently from what Abigail said and I trust her. And she made this really romantic dinner and I don’t want to ruin it so I packed it up and brought it here to have it with her” I said and rubbed my tummy

“Go on up Brownie out back and your right to trust her with that when she has that feeling it is always right” she said and walked off I carried the stuff up to her room and knocked because it was shut

“Go away mom I don’t want to talk about it” she said

“Well maybe you don’t have a choice now open this door” I said in my best Clare voice

“Ciren you have the worst-“she started to say but cut off when she opened the door

“What are you doing here?” she asked

“Well you made a good looking dinner so I thought I pack it up and have it with you” I said  she stepped aside and let me in and I set the stuff down but she stopped me

“Let me do that” she said and so I let her I grabbed her quilted blanket and laid it down and sat down, she turned and saw me and smiled and handed me my plant and silverware, she sat down and we started to eat

“This is really good” I said

“Thank you I thought since we never truly had a real date this would have to do” she said I leaned in and kissed her and pulled away before she could even kiss back

“I love it it’s very thoughtful of you” I said

“Thank you and you’re a tease” she said and blushed woo I know what sounds good it sucks for because of my cravings and sickness. Hawaiian pizza that sounds so good right now but I am not going to have it because my amazing girlfriend made me an amazing dinner. She went to go behind me

“No I want my arms around you” I said and she laughed and I pouted and she sighed and came around and I wrapped my arms around her.

“More like it” I said 

“I like this” she said and turned and kisses me. Man I only want her and only her as my girlfriend and as my wife. Wait did I just say wife  I like the sound of that Abigail as my wife has a ring to it

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