So confused.

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I didn't sleep well that night. I woke up at least ten times and had trouble falling back asleep. So at the morning when my mom rushed into my room to wake me up, I was already fully awake.

After a few minutes me and my mom joined my father who was in the car, waiting for us.

"Hi dad."  "Hi sweetie, ready to go?"

I'm so not ready, I thought to myself. Still, such a good daddys girl that I am, I said yes.

While driving we didn't talk much. I was listening to my mp3 player (no, I don't own those iThings) and my parents talked mostly about work on our farm.

About two hours later, we stopped at the airport. I got that kind of weird feeling in my chest and suddenly just wanted to go back home. Still, I didn't show my parents that I'm afraid of leaving.

I said goodbye to my parents and noticed that my mom was almost crying. My father also had that sad look on his face and I just turned my view to the ground, not wanting to show them my tears.

Half hour later I was already sitting in my seat on the plane, watching "The Hunger Games". Damn, that movie was amazing! I drank some water and ate crisps, then gone to sleep. Some time later the flight attendant woke me up. "We're about to land now, honey. Please put your seatbelt back on." I did as she said.

Soon I was at the airport again. This time miles away from home. And I felt like a lost puppy without his owner. The airport was full of people. Never in my life have I seen so many black, asian, chinese and many more people at the same place.

I brought my phone from my pocket and checked it. No calls. Then it hit me; how am I going to find Mason, if I don't even know how the guy looks. I turned around and started panicking. Tears started filling my eyes, when I heard a deep voice "Lost much?"

And there he was. Staying in front of me. The hottest guy I have ever seen. Tall, well tanned with defined abs, as I could see, since he was wearing a t-shirt that fitted his body perfectly. His hair was dark brown, almost black, shorter in the back and longer in front, still not too long to cover his eyes. His eyes were a slightly darker shade of brown and he had his eyebrow pierced. He also had some stubble, like 2 days unshaven.

"Khm, I know I'm hot, but seriously, you have to stop raping me with your eyes." Oh crap, I realised I had been staring at him for like ... forever. I felt the heat growing on my cheeks and I knew I blushed. Embarrased I turned away and started biting my nails.

"I'm Mason, by the way. And based on your looks I assume you are Amelia, right?" "Y...Yes" I stuttered. God, I'm such a loser. He tilted his head and had this look on his face that I couldn't recognise. "Dom told me to pick you up, so here I am. Are you ready to leave? After you stop staring at my abs, you know... If possible. I don't want to get too old and die at this airport..."

I grabbed my bags, blushed some more (if possible) and awkwardly stumbled after him. He didn't even bother carrying my bags. What a jerk!

We took a cab to the apartment and once again I had to carry my bags by myself. He took keys off his pocket and opened the door. The place was pretty big and nice, at least it would be nice if it was cleaned more often. Still, I kept my mouth shut and didn't complain.

"This is your room" He pushed me forward and I stepped into a room with two big windows, a normal sized bed and a few closets. Nothing special, but I liked it. Quiet, I stepped forward and looked out of the window.

"You don't talk at all?" I felt Masons warm breath on the back of my neck. I had trouble breathing and tried hard not to faint. I really wasn't used of being around hot guys. Hell, I wasn't even used of being in company of ugly guys. I gulped. "I do."

"It doesn't seem that way to me. Maybe you prefer doing other things with your mouth" he grinned behind me. I took a step forward and suddenly felt a firm grip un my waist. Before I realised I was pinned to a wall, with him leaning forward, his face only inches away from mine.

I closed my eyes and tried to push him away, but he was too strong. Then we heard the door opening and a voice. Dom. "Anyone home?" Mason shook his head and yelled back: "Coming!"

He moved forward and bit my ear. I got that feeling that i've never gotten before. I moaned. "Seems It won't take much to make you all wet, ha?" I blushed and turned away, embarassed once again. "This shall be fun" he said, and left the room.

I was standing there, speechless, and wondering what the hell just happened.


Sorry guys, I know it's short, but i'm trying. It's not that easy writing a story in foreign language. Also, this one is completely new story, I'm really not into translating my previous works :) I think if it's written in slovenian, it should stay in slovenian. Period :)

I promise the next chapter will be longer and more fun, but i have to say i'm really proud of myself for writing all of the story in a few hours. Yay for me!

And since it's midnight here already, I'll just go to sleep & try to get some ideas to continue :)

Vote and Comment *puppyeyes*

xoxo, K

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