Kiss me

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Okay, here I go again :D


I took a deep breath and exited the room. While standing in the hallway, preparing myself to see Mason again, after that disastrous moment that happened earlier, I heard someone laughing.

Slowly I moved forward, telling myself that everything will be alright. "Don't be such a pussy... and stop blushing already!" Yup, I just talked to myself. Weird, I know. But since it helps me sometimes, I do it a lot.

I approached living room and saw Dom and Mason talking and laughing. When I came in, they shut up and turned to me.

"Hi, cousin! What's up?!" Dom smiled at me.

"Well, not much, you know. I just came."

"That was just a retorical question."

I felt myself blushing again. And I had a feeling that while I'll be staying here, I'll be blushing a lot more.

"Just a sec"

Dom turned to his laptop and started writing something. I took this as oportunity to check him out.

Of course, he changed a lot. But still, there were some signs that showed me he is the same boy I used to hang out with when we were younger.

He was tall, probably the same height as Mason, maybe a little taller. With mostly green, and a bit brown eyes and dark short hair.

His body was well defined and if he wasn't my cousin, I would be probably daydreaming about him for the rest of my life. But his smile; it stayed the same for all these years.

I wondered about how the hell did I end up living with two handsomest guys in the world.

And suddenly I wanted to be more exciting to hang out with, be more interesting and talkative, not so shy and embarassed.

I wanted to be that girl who you see walking on the street and everyone turns to look at her; but not because of her looks. No. Because of her confident walk, and high self-esteem, optimistic view on the world. Because of karma that effects everyone who is near her at that moment.

For some time I just wanted to  come out of the shell I was hiding in, hold my head high and show the world I can be that girl.

"Okay, ready to go?" I noticed Mason standing at the door, waiting for an answer.

"Sure" Dom answered and stood up. "Amy, we have to go to work. Grab something from the fridge if you're hungry."

"You'll just leave me here?"

Okay, I admit. I was scared of being alone in the house in completely new environment. What if someone breaks in? Or rape me? And stuff... There are many things that could happen to a girl like me, while she is alone in some house.

"You'll be okay. Mason will be home soon."

"Mason? What about you?" the last thing I wanted was to be alone with Mason. At night. Especially at night.

"I'll sleep at my girlfriends house tonight. I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast. Then I'll show you around."

"Uhm, okay. I guess."

"Feel yourself at home. After all, that's what it is from now on. Sleep well, Amy." he kissed me on the cheek and walked out of the door.

"And Amy?"

"What?!" I snapped, not realising Mason was still here, leaning on the door frame.

"Try not to miss me too much" he chuckled and winked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2012 ⏰

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