Chapter 4

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Todomatsu sipped his fresh coffee, listening carefully to the radio scanners he had sweeping the various emergency channels. (Y/n) had already left the house with Franky driving her to the rehearsal at the concert plaza, and was promised to see Osomatsu before the intermission with a camcorder. She seemed happy, but Todo knew that she'd rather have every brother there.

Maybe in another life, but not this one.

The GPS marker on Franky's car indicated that the car had arrived safely at the plaza, with Franky checking in every fifteen minutes afterwards. Todomatsu could hear the sounds of music from over the radio, and smiled as he imagined himself there listening to it live. Rousing himself quickly from his imagination, he heard Jyushimatsu give an 'all-clear' on the section he was patrolling. Another sip of coffee passed between his lips as his eyes flickered across each screen, showing a zoomed in map of Akatsuka Ward and the territorial lines between each criminal family. He couldn't quell the uneasy feeling in his gut as he looked back at the plaza, sitting squarely on neutral ground between the Yowai family and the Dekapan family.

The Matsuno family was on good terms with both families, but if there was an attack from either of them, then it would have to be seen as an affront to the alliance that was made. Jyushimatsu was there as per the request from the dinner meeting, but that was it. It worried Todomatsu that they couldn't have much in the way of defense there. If anything, he'd rather (y/n) not play in a travelling orchestra at all, but he nor any of the other brothers wanted her to be caged or to be chained to their life as they have been. She knew to be careful when travelling, and there had been no reported problems while moving to the plaza.

The minute hand moved slowly towards the starting time and Todomatsu updated Jyushimatsu's route based on a hunch that he had while looking over the maps. There was a small area tucked within the Dekapan family's territory that's never been checked in the past few patrols. He wanted to be sure it was secure, and told Jyushi to take backup to the location. Jyushimatsu arrived as the clock ticked past 5:30p, signalling the start of the rehearsal.

There was no radio chatter from Jyushi until five minutes later when he reported 'all-clear'. Todo breathed a sigh of relief and kept Jyushimatsu's group moving around as the concert continued, the time ticking down to 6:15p, signalling the intermission.

"Osomatsu, report in," Todomatsu called out, refilling his mug.

"Yeah, I'm here. It's an open layout like Franky reported, and it looks like they're setting up some kind of pyrotechnics for the second half. The orchestra is still on the stage, but I don't see anyone making their way towards the band area," Osomatsu whispered into the sensitive mic on his collar, with Todo able to hear the chatter of excited voices around him.

"Just don't make a scene. You brought flowers, right?" A few seconds of silence met his ears, "...You forgot."

"Shut up! It's been a while since we've been to one of these!" The eldest huffed.

"Hahaha! Older brother forgot something!" Jyushimatsu cut in with his hoarse laughter.

"Shut up, Jyushi! Focus on your patrol!" Osomatsu growled over the radio.

"It's been all--" A loud crack interrupted him as the radio suddenly went silent.

"Jyushi...! Patrol, report in!" Todo jumped out of his seat, recognizing the familiar crack of a gunshot.

"...taking heavy fire...! Ak...t's Akumatsu's gang!!" The radio chatter cut in and out as a full-fledged gunfight was heard on the other side.

"We need reinforcements at Jyushimatsu's location, ASAP! Shots fired, I repeat, shots fired!" Todomatsu called out on the family emergency channel, kicking the two units on standby into action. He watched them swiftly move from their positions from near the plaza to the alleyway that was more than a half mile away from them.


"I'm heading there!" Osomatsu violently whispered as the sound of music began to swell on his side of the radio. He didn't know if Todomatsu could hear him, but he needed to go help Jyushimatsu as soon as he could. He knew that (y/n) would be fine with Franky keeping such a close eye on her during the performance, and was certain that nothing would happen with the audience seating being so full. Stowing the camcorder in a jacket pocket, Osomatsu promptly abandoned his seat near the back and left the plaza. He paused when he heard the familiar wail of the violin section as it soared into the higher notes as the orchestra echoed with a resounding chorus.

"I'm sorry, (y/n). I'll save him for you," He ran to the car and quickly turned it on, steering out of the parking lot and to the coordinates sent by Todomatsu. He gritted his teeth and growled as he mentally repeated the name called over the radio, 'Akumatsu'.

Osomatsu thought he killed the bastard a few years ago; obviously, he didn't do a good enough job. No, this time he'd have to drown the asshole in acid, or maybe let Ichimatsu have fun with him. He'd be a good toy for the mad doctor, especially if he was this stubborn to stay dead.

Turning a corner sharply, he saw his men hug the sides next to the entrance of the alleyway. He unbuckled his seatbelt, lined the driving car up to the alley entrance, and flung himself out of the vehicle as it plunged straight into the alleyway. The screams of pain weren't as satisfying as the collision and explosion at the opposite end of the alley, silencing the screams. Recovering from the hard roll, he shoved away the hands that stopped his roll and moved to where he glimpsed the red-stained yellow shirt. Jyushi looked up at his brother with the same insane smile.

"That was a good one, but you lost a car, stupid."

"One car is worth it. That was a pretty cool maneuver, right?" Osomatsu could feel the harsh bruises start to ache, but pushed aside the pain to comfort his battle-worn brother.

"Yeah, like a hero! I'll probably never get to see it again."

"You ain't dying, shut up."

"Not because of that, but because you're going to lose your driving rights. Ahahahah!"

Osomatsu could only stare at the yellow-clad brother before smirking, "This much blood on you, and you still have energy to crack jokes?"

"It ain't my blood," Jyushimatsu smirked back, the smile widening into a wicked jeer.

"Never said it was yours," Osomatsu reached down and offered him a hand to stand up, which Jyushimatsu took and groaned as he moved. The two brothers began to move towards one of the black vans their men owned.

Dancing in a Cage (Mafia!Brothers and Sister!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now