Chapter 10

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"I'll try to convince Atsushi to bring me to the Gala," The confidence began to rise in my voice as I sat up in bed from where I had face-planted, "I'll do my best to stay safe."

"Update me on anything you find out," I could almost see the smile on Todomatsu's face before he ended the call. I put the phone next to my pillow, curling up into the large fluffy thing and passing out as plans begin to flow into my head about what I was going to do.

I didn't have any dreams that night, and woke up with the clock reminding me that it's 10:12am. The first thing that came into my head was figuring out what I could wear if I was able to go to the Gala, thinking that if I didn't plan the second step after the first one, I'd be stuck with something I didn't want to wear.

Grabbing my discarded phone that had fallen onto the floor, I put it down on the dresser nearby to charge, took in a deep breath and opened the closet, seeing the four dresses I had in my possession. They were all hanging a few inches from the floor, but I pulled the silver-gray tent dress off the rod before looking at the other three. The dress in my hand was the only thing Atsushi saw me in, so it may be vital to this, with the short white 'wedding' dress next to it on the rod not being fancy enough for Gala material. I hadn't bothered to get to know his tastes in dresses, but I figured it was similar to his taste in women; extravagant, flashy, and definitely showing a little more than it should; the kind of dresses that I really hated wearing.

The other two dresses were similar to each other, one sporting the mermaid-style dress colored brilliant red, not quite pink but still treading the line; and the other was another wedding gift from Atsushi, a tight-fitting maxi-style dress that was a bright yellow and accessorized with color matching sash that was to be tied around the waist. The yellow reminded me of Jyushimatsu before he was dragged into the family business, sunny and happy-go-lucky. I pulled the yellow maxi dress off of the hanger and wiggled my way into it, sucking in my belly and praying I didn't hear any tearing seams. The dress didn't feel natural to me, like I was wearing just a skinsuit. Looking into the mirror on the interior of the closet door, I was surprised that the dress appeared to wrap around every curve nicely, despite the gaping arm holes revealing my sideboobs, clearly showing that I needed to either find a different bra style with this dress, or go braless.

I grabbed the smartphone from the dresser and began to look up tips on how to go braless, or a close equivalent, without my breasts deciding that they wanted to join the party, too. Many people suggested using a non-slip nip cover, while others stated to choose another dress. I bit my bottom lip and looked back at my reflection.

It was all or nothing.

Taking the dress off slowly and returning it to the hanger, I put comfortable clothes on before leaving my room to find Aya and have her add nip covers to the shopping list while not making eye contact, then turning my attention to find my 'landlord'.

Atsushi was in his office, taking a long drag from a cigar clenched between his lips. The door was wide open but I still knocked on it politely, refraining from coughing due to the nasty smell that leaked out from the room. He looked up from the cigar box he was eyeing and seemed a little surprised.

"(Y/n)! I rarely see you here," He took the cigar and instantly smashed it into the ashtray on his desk, "What can I help you with?" The tone of voice didn't meet or match the smile on his lips.

"I had overheard some of the maids talking about a big dance that would be happening soon, possibly in a few weeks. I was wondering if I'd have the honor of accompanying you to it," I gave a small, respectful bow after I finished talking, staying down as I waited for his answer. There were a few moments of silence, and the longer it stretched, the more I began to feel like I had made a mistake.

"You enter my office and ask me to walk with you on my arm to the Gala? Even when you haven't fulfilled the end of your bargain as my wife?"

My blood ran cold instantly, the words sending chills down my spine. I heard him move out of his chair, but I didn't dare look up at him.

"What kind of answer were you expecting out of me?" Atsushi sounded closer to me, possibly a few feet away from my head, and his tone was ice-cold, "Look at me when I'm talking to you."

I slowly lifted myself out of the respectful bow with a pale face, looking up at Atsushi's hazel eyes. The brightness and near curiosity I had seen at the family dinner was gone, dimmed by an emotion I would label as either anger or regret. The smile was gone from his lips, replaced by a slight sneer that seemed to grow as he saw my face. This was the real Atsushi, the one that I was scared of that night. He was taller than my brothers, almost as tall as Franky, and the light streaming in from his windows covered my body in his shadow. He seemed to be waiting on my answer.

"I merely asked because I was hoping to attend a public event as your wife, Atsushi. I hadn't fulfilled my duty to you because I saw that you were bedding other women, and I thought that would be acceptable enough if I turned a blind eye to what you were doing," I felt his hand around my chin before I saw him move. His grip was hard and rough, forcing my chin upwards so I had nowhere else to look but at him.

"Mrs. Kanemochi (Y/n). Your family has given you to me freely to keep their territory safe. You were a gift. I don't need to please you -- you need to please me," With that, his lips came crashing down on my own, roughly sucking and nibbling on them until my lips hurt. I was unprepared, but couldn't let the words he said distract me. I pulled away from his grip and tried to take a step back, the fear that I had pushed down before was now bubbling up to the surface with a vengeance.

"Atsushi, stop!" I felt one of his arms tighten around my waist as the other moved past me. I heard the door close before a hand pushed the back of my head into the kiss again, his tongue licking the outside of my lips. I didn't want this, but there was no way I could fight off his 6'4" muscular frame when my own 5'3" body was trained to be a musician. He lifted me up in a tight hug and moved me over to the lounge near the corner of his room, one that was out of sight from the windows, still keeping my mouth busy with kisses despite the tears now forming in my eyes. My lungs burned from the lack of breath, and I couldn't keep my teeth clenched anymore.

His tongue dove deep into my mouth and I reacted the only way I could; I bit down hard.

He reeled back in pain, a hand over his mouth, and I took that opportunity to try and run.

"You want to go to the Gala, don't you?" His muffled voice called out and I instantly stopped, my mind already concluding what he was about to say, "Do this properly for me, wife, and I'll escort you to the Gala."

I fought back tears, knowing that if I ran off now, there's no telling what would happen. Todomatsu had mentioned Osomatsu had a plan in the making if I didn't go, but now there was never any guarantee that it would go off without a hitch. I felt stuck, even more trapped than I was now, if I didn't do this.

I turned back to face a smug Atsushi, my arms hanging limply by my sides as tears rolled down my cheeks.

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