Chapter 9

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I had only seen my husband twice since the visit to the courthouse a month ago.

To be left alone was a pleasant surprise, but my thoughts and fears had slowly peeled away to reveal a very boring life here. I had found that Atsushi liked to entertain women at several of the bars he owned, sometimes bringing them home and bedding them. When I overheard what had happened the first time since I moved in, I wasn't upset by the revelation. I instead focused on what I loved to play.

I had procured, or rather -- was given, a small room away from Atsushi's bedroom and office, and made it soundproof to create my own little space. As I continued to play throughout the week, I imagined the last family dinner meeting and having all six of my brothers listen to me play afterwards. I didn't stop the tears as they fell, pouring my emotions into my music and letting the bow dance across the strings. I don't know how long I played and I didn't care, it's not like I was given anything to do.

It was during one of these sessions that I had a visitor.

Atsushi had suddenly swung open the door, and sauntered into the small room. I stopped playing and looked behind me, my hair following the motion as I had forgotten to tie it back.

"(Y/n)," Atsushi muttered my name. I could see the flushed look on his face before I smelled alcohol on his breath.

"Yes?" I took a step away from him, keeping my violin in between us.

"You are my wife, (y/n), and as a woman bearing that title, it is time for you to start your wifely duties," He took a few steps further in, reaching out clumsily to grab my wrist. I pulled it away and bit the inside of my cheek as I tried to think of a way out of the situation.

"'re quite right. It's time for me to care for my husband," I gently put the violin down and reluctantly touched his arm, "You've clearly had more than enough to drink, though, so let's put you to bed for the day. Tomorrow you have a busy schedule and you'll need to be completely refreshed for all of your meetings."

I led him back to his bedroom, which was located on the upper floor of the mansion, the furthest room away from my own. Atsushi made no fuss, allowing himself to be walked back, and I held my breath as I opened his bedroom door.

The lights were still on in the bedroom with the smell of alcohol being the strongest odor, overpowering the usual smell of old wood I've grown accustomed to. The draperies over his bed frame barely covered the two naked females that lay on it, partially covered by the bedsheets. My face flushed with a mixture of emotions as I quickly looked at the floor, still helping Atsushi onto his large bed. Again, there was no fuss as he curled around one of the females and began to make sucking noises against her arm, trying what I could only guess was to kiss her.

I closed the door behind me before I could hear the soft moans as my husband's lips found softer skin closer to the chest. I couldn't even think of him as my husband; 'current landlord' would be a better term. My heart began to ache as I sped-walked back to the safety of my own bedroom, now thankful as it was so mercifully far away from his own.

I wasn't a wife to him. I was a trophy, something that he could pull out and show in front of everyone, something to keep hidden until it suited his pride to show off.

As I dwelled more and more in my thoughts, my speed walk turned into a run, nearly sprinting through the bedroom door as I rushed to grab my phone from the bedside table and punching in the numbers I was so familiar with.

"Hey (y/n), what's going on? You rarely call," Todomatsu's voice sounded concerned over the phone. I could hear his fingers flying across his computer. I didn't manage to get anything out of my mouth before the tears from before came back harder and with more force.

"I...I want to come home--" I barely stuttered out between sobs, "Atsushi is...treating me like I'm nothing but a symbol..."

There was only silence on the other side of the phone; no voice offering me comfort and no typing sounds to suggest that he was distracted.

"I come home, Todomatsu..."


"I come home, Todomatsu..." Her voice sounded so pained over the phone that it hurt Totty to listen to. He knew that something was wrong due to the timing of the call, with it nearing three in the morning. He anticipated something bad, but didn't expect to hear (y/n)'s pleas.

"(Y/n), he didn't do anything to hurt you physically, did he?" He swallowed multiple times to get his dry throat to work.

"No, he...hasn't done...anything like that," Her reply was short.

"Okay, good. Osomatsu and Choromatsu have been working their hardest to try and find a peaceful way to get you to visit us, but the Kanemochi family has been very tight-lipped about your whereabouts and schedule," Todomatsu started to pull up various screens showing public sightings of Atsushi, but they were all with other women, "Is there any big event that he's brought you to, or anything planned like that in the future?"

"No, not that I know of," (Y/n)'s voice started to clear up, "However, I think I overheard one of the maids say that there's a dance that the big families will be attending in a few weeks. I don't know if I'll be brought to that one."

"They must be talking about the Gala," Todomatsu thought out loud, "You may have been too young, but do you remember that really fancy place Mom and Dad took us to a long time ago? There were big poofy dresses and everyone was wearing masks, we all wore matching tuxedos while Dad gave you a sparkly gray dress with a skirt that lifted up when you twirled around."

"Uh...yeah, I think so. With the cat mask Ichimatsu picked out for me?"

"Yeah, that was the Gala. We were given invitations on behalf of the Kanemochis, so we'll be attending on their behalf this year. Try to convince Atsushi that you want to go, since you've not been with him in public," His fingers flew across the keyboard as he pulled up the event schedule, "There's an orchestra playing there from Russia..."

"Is it the Moscow Symphony Orchestra?!" (Y/n) cut him off excitedly, her sadness instantly gone.

"...yes, that one," Todomatsu gave a small chuckle as his little sister apologized, "I figured you'd be excited, since that's one of your favorites. They're playing as the main attraction for the theater the Gala will be hosted at, before the main party takes place in the upper floor ballroom. If you can convince Atsushi to bring you along with him, we'll be able to see you then. If not, then Osomatsu has a plan that will take place in two months or so."

"What's the plan?" She asked, her voice in a low whisper as if she was trying to be quiet.

"I can't tell you the whole thing, but it involves a heroic rescue of a beautiful princess from the clutches of a lazy dragon."

"..." The line fell silent before (y/n) let out a small groan, "Todo..."

"Just let me know which you want...I'll pass along whatever you say to our demonic brothers."

"Okay...I'll..." (Y/n) began...

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