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"You know you could have asked Ruby to throw this party for Oscar" Cesar said as he ate the chips in the bowl while you hung up the last streamer. "Yeah and deal with that freak as he goes party crazy no thank you" you laughed he did as well. "Are you excited for him to come home" Cesar asked in a serious tone you looked at him as you went to the beer case to make sure you had enough beer.

"I am I miss him it's been a lonely 4 years aren't you excited, he is your brother" You asked confused he had a small side smile. "don't get me wrong I love Oscar but I don't wanna join the Santos" he said sadly you just hugged him. "Hey hey you know I love you and Oscar both and Oscar can be very scary to say the least but I'll do my best to convince him to not let you make that mistake" you said looking into his eyes. "Good luck with that" he simply said walking away you sighed.

You finished icing the cake ass you heard music blaring in the front of the house. This meant Oscar was home, you smiled throwing everything in the sink and running to the front forgetting you had an apron on and being an over all mess. He got out of the car and you stood on the front porch. You guys made eye contact and he smirked at you and nodding you over. You ran over to him.

"Finally" was all he said as he hugged you back you had your arms around his neck. "I missed you baby" was all you said into his neck. You pulled away and he took ahold of your face and leaned down and connected your lips with his. The kiss was soft and passionate but at the same time lustful. He started to bite your lip causing you so moan a little but you pulled away. "Stop were in front of people" you said he laughed and kissed you again.

"Que ven" was all Oscar said looking at them as they all got there eyes off you guys and went inside you laughed a little. "And what is this little outfit" he said grabbing your hands and looking down at your apron you just blushed. "Stop I was cooking" you said he chuckled. "What did I say about sniffing the product" he said laughing as he touched your face with his finger rubbing off the flour off you. "Oscar" you laughed pushing him a little bit. "Hay mi reina" was all he said before kissing you again. "I missed you" he said pulling you closer to him. "I missed you too" you said kissing his cheek.

You looked out to the backyard seeing Oscar enjoy his time with his friends you sighed as you looked over to Cesar he was now in a different mode. "What you thinking about mana" you heard your friend Lenny say. "About Cesar things are gonna change for him" you said getting out the cake and started to cut it. "But you can talk to Oscar about it right he usually listens to you" she said you shrugged. "Hay mana he only listens when he wants too. And now that he got out he is for sure gonna make Cesar a Santos" you said. She sighed as well.

"So Cesar you ready" Oscar said you looked over at him as you placed the plates of cake. "Now" he asked nervously. "Oscar can we talk" you said to him as you looked into his eyes. "Right now" he asked quickly. "Yeah" you simply said he nodded he got up and you grabbed his hand taking him inside into the kitchen you closed the sliding doors. "What's on your mind" he asked grabbing your hand you sighed.

"I think you shouldn't let Cesar in the gang" you said looking into his eyes. "Y/N don't get involved in that" he said seriousness taking over him. "I will because while you were gone I took care of him and I saw the magnificent kid he is he doesn't belong in this life" you said starting to get upset. "This is Santos business" he said walking away you sighed not being able to get through to him.

"Mana he will make a great Santos" Lenny said you looked at her. "This isn't suppose to be his life" you simply said she just sighed. You stood in the kitchen with her. "They are starting the jump in about 5 minutes" she said patting my shoulder and walking out I sighed. You didn't want to witness this nor hear this so you simply grabbed your bag and left.

Sitting on the couch watching a show you heard a knock on the door. You looked at the time it was past 3 AM, you got scared you grabbed a bat and opened the door as you opened you swung. "Wow there" you heard a familiar voice say you turned on the porch light on it was Oscar, he had caught the bat. "Oscar me asustasteis" you said dropping the bat running a hand through your hair walking back inside sitting on the couch.

" why did you leave" he asked mad. "I didn't want to be part of you ruining Cesar's life" you said wrapping yourself in a blanket he scuffed. "Mi reina everything happened for a reason" he said getting closer to you. "He will be protected from Prophets and I know I can take care of him" he said making you look at him. "Oscar he's 14" you said quietly. "He will be okay I promise that" he said looking into your eyes. "I will protect him just like I protect you" he said pulling you into him. You rested your head into his chest curling into a ball. Instantly feeling protected.

"Te amo" he said kissing the top of your head. You looked up smiling. "Yo también mi rey" you said kissing him. "Damn it feels good to be back" he said chuckling you just laughed and cuddled into him. You had no choice but accept everything it was there destiny they are full blood Santos and nothing would ever change that.

I hope you enjoye. Requests are opened. And please guys give feedback so I can improve my writing and imagines.

Spooky (Oscar) and Cesar Imagines (OMB)Where stories live. Discover now