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"Baby escúchame" you said he just kept walking. "Spooky" you said he turned around you never called him that. "Que" he screamed it took you back he never screamed like that. "Do what ever you want it's your life anyways" you said giving up on your argument. You walked past him going to the door and walking outside the farther you got the more sad you got. 

"Hey you okay" Jamal asked you worked at his dads place because it was easy money and you still needed to pay for your college. "Yeah just problems" you said putting on your apron and tying back your hair. "Mm let me guess it's spooky" he said you just looked at him and grabbed a pad and a pen. "You could say that" you said shrugging and going out to the floor to take orders. You tried your best to change your mood but nothing was working.

"You look like you need a break" you heard a familiar voice say. You turned around it was Cesar you just hugged him. "I miss you" you said into his chest you haven't seen him since he came and begged Oscar to take him back home. "I miss you too mana" he said you looked at him. "Did Jamal tell you I work here now" you said smiling a bit. "No umm I work here now" he said you smiled as you stepped away from him and looked over his work attire. "You can't get rid of me that fast" he said you smiled and hugged him again.

"You feeling better" Jamal said as you guys ate you had finished up work and closed up but grabbed dinner before you guys left. "Are you sick or something" Cesar asked touching your forehead. "Nah your brothers at it again" he said you glared at him hoping for him to shut up. "What do you mean by that Jamal" he said you kicked Jamal. "Well she came in pissed and she said it was because of Oscar" he said you rolled your eyes. You never liked your business being talked about especially when it came to Oscar.

"Jamal" you complained. "Calm down" Jamal said you rolled your eyes. "Do you not know personal business means" you said Cesar kept on looking at you. "Girl your mistake was telling me it was Oscar" he said getting up you just sighed and finally looked at Cesar. "Y/N whats going on" he asked you just looked at him and then down at your empty plate. "Nothing serious it was just a disagreement between me and Oscar" You said getting up Cesar stopped you. "I'm here for you you can tell me anything" he said you just nodded and walked away.

You walked out in the breeze of the cold air Jamal and Cesar left with Jamal's dad they offered you a ride but you decided to take the walk home. As you walked you saw a green car up ahead you sighed knowing trouble was coming. You held your bag closer to you and carried on walking. You heard honking and soon the car came to smooth stop near you. You just kept walking ignoring them, but they reversed following you.

"Aye your spookys bitch" one of them said you rolled your eyes. "Damn you looking fine" the driver said. "Aye look at me when I'm talking to you" one of them said you just jumped at the harsh tone and stopped in your tracks your heart sped up.  "Hop in and let me show you what a real man is" the driver said you were disgusted as you looked at them. "What chu doing hanging around those weak ass Santos" the guy in the back said. "I don't want trouble" you simply said they just started laughing at you.

From the corner of your eyes you saw the red impala your heart rate started to calm down. The impala stop right in front of the Prophets green one. Oscar and the driver looked at each other hate in there eyes. Oscar got out coming to you "get in the car" he said dragging you to the car he closed the door and got in himself. "Weak ass Santos" they yelled from the car Oscar sped away. "What are you doing walking alone in the streets" he asked angry you just stayed quite and looked out the window.

"Answer me" he yelled as he parked in front of his house. "I needed time to think I needed air" you yelled back him. "You know how dangerous it is but yet you still think you can do what you want" he said annoyed you rolled your eyes. "How do you think Cesar feels out in the streets alone" you said bringing up the argument from before that day he just stayed quite. "The one person in his life turned there back in him" you said Oscar just stayed silent.

"I love him Y/N but he got himself into this mess and there is nothing I can do about it" Oscar said you just rolled your eyes. "I gave you an option I got that job offer we can get out of Freeridge take Cesar with us he would be safe" you yelled at him. "It's not that simple, you can't turn your back on the Santos" he said you just sighed and put your head back and let the tears fall Oscar looked at you his face softened he was always weak when it came to you. "I just want a better life for you and Cesar" you said looking at him.

"I can't just pick up and leave my life is here" Oscar said you sighed knowing he had a point. You unbuckled you seatbelt "let's go inside" you said. You guys got out of the car going inside the house into his room. "I'm sorry" you said looking at him he came up to you. "I promise you I will help Cesar, I don't know how but I will it's not gonna be simple" he said you just hugged him. "That's all I needed to hear" you said he smiled looking at you.

"Oh and never call me Spooky" he said you just laughed. "Okay I'll call you Mr.Spooky then" you said he just chuckle and rose an eye brow. "I rather you call me papi" he said you rolled your eyes. "Dios mío" you said as he leaned down and connected your lips with his.

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Spooky (Oscar) and Cesar Imagines (OMB)Where stories live. Discover now