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"I don't like him" he simply said. "Okay why don't you" you said rolling your eyes. "Because you can tell he likes you and you love his attention plus you live with him" he said. You rolled your eyes again at your boyfriend. "Marco you so dumb can't you see I like you allot" you said looking at him he just sighed walking away leaving you alone at your locker. You sighed closing it and turning around.

"Hello there" You said as you bumped into the familiar black wife beater and the gold chain you looked up it was Cesar. "You should watch where your going" he joked. "Jaja maybe you shouldn't stand right behind someone" you giggled pushing him a bit as you walked he turned around walking with you.

"So where's the boyfriend" he asked you sighed. " He left he had to take care of stuff" you lied as you walked out the school with Cesar. You didn't want Cesar to know about your little fight with him. "So are you going to visit your mom" he asked you looked at him and then down to the side walk. Your mom was always a sensitive subject. She was currently in prison for so many charges you couldn't even count.

"Not sure the last time I visited her she kept on complaining about my dad" you said he just sighed. "But he's been dead for 4 years now" he said. "I know she basically blames him for bringing her into the life just because he was a Santos" you said annoyed. "No offense but your mom is-" he started. "Crazy" you said finishing his sentence you both just laughed.

When your mom went to prison Oscar brought you into his home since you've know cesar since you were diapers and your dad was an original veterano so out of respect and honor the Santos take care of there own.

"Hi Oscar" you said as you and Cesar walked up the lawn. "Que onda" he said nodding at you, you and Cesar walked into the house and set your stuff down going into the kitchen it was your day to cook. "You think Oscar is gonna want you to do something today" you asked him as you cut up the vegetables. "probably later tonight" he said as he shrugged. "Cesar you got visitors" Oscar yelled from the front door Cesar ran out.

You laid out the food as everybody piled in usually you cooked for the group that was there that day. "It looks good" Oscar said sitting down you just smiled you grabbed a plate and sat on the counter as everybody sat at the table.

You were in the living room doing homework on the coffee table Oscar was watching TV with some of the guys Cesar was still out with all his friends. "How's your punk ass boyfriend doing" Tiny asked you looked up. The guys never liked Marco for some reason they disliked his presences. "Good I guess" you said shrugging. "I swear that punk doesn't know how to treat a hyna" He said.

You opened your mouth to talk but was cut off by another guy. "And don't try to defend him he never walks you home he leaves you alone he never calls and checks up on you nothing" Travieso said you just looked down at your work. "You need someone like Cesar" Tiny said you looked up at him and blushed. "That's a good idea" Travieso said. "I wouldn't mind you being mi cuñada" Oscar said lighting up a blunt.

"Great ideas guys but Cesar will never look at me like that I've known him since I was in diapers" you said gathering up your stuff and going into the guest room. What was up with them, you would never admit this but you always had an attraction to Cesar but when you finally realized it he was tangled up with Monse and around that time Marco asks you to be his girl and you said yes. But now that you knew him a Monse were done you regretted it.

"I don't know Marco when I can" you said annoyed. "To busy with Cesar huh" he said mad you rolled your eyes. "I'm tired of your shit si vas a seguir con tus celos mejor la dejamos" you yelled and hung up on him. "Finally" you heard someone say you turned around it was Oscar. "Leaving that weak ass guy" he said sitting down on a chair you sighed. "Do you need something" you asked looking at him.

"Me and the homies have something to do Cesar should be home soon he knows he can't leave you alone" he said you nodded. "Oscar it's late be careful" you said he nodded standing up. "Always" he said he kissed the top of your head and left. Oscar is the big brother you've never had.

You woke up to someone playing with your hair you look up noticing it was Cesar. "Your home finally" you said giggling you were laying on his chest. "I got home about an hour ago and I had to make sure your okay" he said as he continued to play with your hair. "Where were you" you asked sitting up a bit. "Ruby needed help with something" he said you nodded.

"I broke up with Marco" you said looking into his eyes. "Really what a shame and I liked him so much" Cesar said sarcastically you laughed. "Shut up I know you guys hated him" you said he laughed. "I didn't hate him" he said you rose an eyebrow he laughed. "Alright I did hate him" he said you laughed pushing him playfully. "But now I can do this" Cesar said crashing his lips into yours you leaned back he got on top of you you instantly reacted to him you wrapped your arms around him as he did the same.

"Damn I've been wanting to do that since forever" he said as pulled away you smiled and giggled. "Then don't stop" you simply said and connected your lips together.

It's been a while hope you enjoyed. Please once again comment or Dm ideas I'm running out and if you guys don't give me ideas I won't be able to update often.

Spooky (Oscar) and Cesar Imagines (OMB)Where stories live. Discover now