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"So your boyfriend is a Santos now" your friend Mia said as you walked down the street. "Yeah they made it official yesterday" you said sadly. "Cesar is a good kid he'll get through this" Mia said you sighed looking at the blue sky. "I guess so" you said kicking a rock. "Hey I gotta go mana I can't be seen at the Santos house" she said going another way home. You sighed as you walked alone getting closer to the house. The smell of cigar, weed and beer engulfed your nostrils.

You stood in front of the house everybody looking at you you sighed as walked across the lawn. "Cesar is in his room" Spooky said taking a sip of his beer you nodded. "Can I come in and see him" you said he just nodded and you walked away and into the house. You walked into the hall and knocked on his door. "What" he said angrily from inside. "It's me" you said you heard a sigh and the door opened. He was completely bruised.

"Don't even start" he said as he noticed you looking at his bruise. You simply put your hands up in surrender and walked into the room. He closed the door and sat on the chair. You put your bag down and kneeled next to him making him look at you. "I won't say anything because I know this doesn't define you" you simply said his chocolate brown eyes looking at you. "I'm a Santos now" he said you just sighed running your thumb over the bruise on his cheek.

"Maybe you shouldn't be with someone like me" he said you just rolled your eyes. "Shut up Cesar never say something stupid like that" you said sternly he just sighed. "I love you" he whispered. "I love you and nothing is gonna ever change that" you said he just hugged you you felt a few tears on your shirt and you ran your hand through his hair. "Mírame" you said he looked at you. "Santos o no te amo" you said he smiled shyly and kissed you.

"Cesar we could just run you know" you said as you ran your fingers through his hair he was laying on you being the big baby he is. "Like what get out of Freeridge" he asked confused looking up at you. "Yeah away from the Santos the Prophets just you and me starting new somewhere else" you said he smiled nodding a no. "Oscar would never let me go" he said. "We wouldn't have to tell him silly" you said chuckling he just sighed.

"What about your uncle and aunt they are your guardians" he said. "Forget them there never home anyways" you said smiling looking at him. "Your crazy" he said you laughed. "Crazy about you" you simply said he smiled sitting up grabbed you legs putting them over his lap. "So your saying to leave Freeridge no explanation" he said you nodded. "We could call them once we get where we wanna be" you said he looked down at your thigh.

"When things get tough I'll for sure consider this" he said looking at you seriously. "Cesar it's not gonna be long until they will want you to put in work and I'm not talking about tagging stuff I'm saying heavier stuff" you said he huffed. "I don't wanna think about that okay" he said putting a hair behind your ear and giving you a peck on the lips. "We gotta go" you heard a mans voice say you look up it was Spooky. You untangled your self from Cesar getting up.

"Get your lady out of here we got business to do" He said walking out. You sighed grabbing your shoes putting them on. You grabbed your bag as Cesar just stared at you. He grabbed your hand you guys walked out into the living room everybody looking at you he walked you outside. "I don't know what's going on but I'll be safe and I'll call you after this" he said you just simply nodded you had no other choice. You kissed him he walked inside you ran home.

"Cálmate hermana" your sister yelled at you. "I can't I don't know what's going on" you said getting upset you sat down putting your head in your hands. "We are going on lock down" you heard being said you sighed your heart started racing you looked outside everything looked fine but you weren't. Your phone went off you ran to it hoping it was Cesar but it was just ruby you groaned and answered.

"What?" You said frustrated. "Well hello to you to" he said hurt you rolled your eyes. "Just wanted to make sure your safe in your house" he said you sighed guilt hitting you. "Sorry Ruby Im just worried about Cesar" you said ruby sighed on the other end. "I know but he'll be okay he knows what he's doing" he said later hanging up you sighed.

-days later.

It's been a few days since the lock down and you haven't heard from Cesar once, you've gone to his but nothing. It's like there in hiding, you sighed as you left a note oh his door maybe he would pay attention to you then.

You sat on the couch with you sister as you watched Tv. The TV soon changing to the news showing a crime scene. "Today a young gang members body was found, the young man seem to be to 14" the news reporter said. You felt your heart sunk and your breathing stopped. You couldn't breath you were gasping for air your sister brought you your inhaler. As you regained your breathing you just prayed it wasn't Cesar. You ran out the door running to Cesar house. You banged on the door hoping for a response. "Cesar please answer please tell me it's not you in the news reports" you cried.

You sat on the porch hugging your knees you haven't moved. "Hey what are you doing here" you heard someone say it was Travieso one of Oscar friend. "Where is Cesar please tell me he's okay" you said going up to him he looked at you. "There in hiding" he said. "Cesar is okay he's okay" you said your spirit being lifted. "Yes I came here for some stuff" he said. "Take me with Cesar please I'm begging you" you said begging him. "I can't" he said "please" you said tears forming he huffed telling you to get in the car.

You arrived to a brick building it was run downed. "All the homies are in there so careful" he said you nodded you walked in after him. As you walked in they all looked at you. "Where's Cesar" you said after a while. "In the back" he said you followed him to a door he knocked on it Spooky answered it and he looked at you. "Ima kick your ass ese" he said pushing Travieso. "It's not his fault it's mine I made him bring me" you said he just nodded a no. "Cesar is over there" he said you looked into the room Cesar was on a chair just staring off into space.

"Cesar" you simply said he looked up getting up and running to you he picked you up and spun you around. "What are you doing here" he said putting you down caressing your face. "I made him bring me I needed to know your okay I heard there was a young gang member dead" you said Cesar just sighed nodding a no. "It was a prophet it happened on lock down day" he said you just sighed hugging him. "You didn't do it right" you said. "No no I didn't" he said you sighed in relief.

"Why didn't you call me" you pushed him. "I couldn't Oscar took my phone" he said you sighed. "At this point I don't care I'm glad your safe" you said he smiled and leaned down and kissed you.

I hope you enjoyed. Requests are opened

Spooky (Oscar) and Cesar Imagines (OMB)Where stories live. Discover now